support and guidance
On Your Journey
to Food Freedom Forever?
Imagine having a trusted source to hold you accountable, take a stand for your greatness, work you through your resistance and self sabotage, and lead you from where you are to living a life you love in a body you feel confident in!

Meet Stella…
Stella is an absolute powerhouse and a force of light in the lives of everyone she works with! She worked with me privately as a client for over 1.5 years when she originally came to me to transcend her struggle with binge and emotional eating, yo yo weight loss and gain, and a negative body image around. As usual, with any client we work with, her healing and transformation went far beyond just body and food!
As our coaching partnership transitioned, she went on to become a Certified Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition Coach with a burning desire to turn her pain of 15+ years into a purpose! Stella was my first hire with BBE and has stood by my side with faith and support through it ALL!
Stella has been with us for over 3 years, has been trained extensively by me, and is continually going through extensive training as a coach and personal development both on her own with various programs and studies, and through our company.
Stella recently had to put all of her training and growth to the test with the birth of her new baby boy…afterwards, her body was able to naturally release weight without force or restriction, with NO urges to binge – ever, and with true love, compassion, and confidence!
Stella has true food freedom forever! She lives her life fully as a wonderful momma and wife, is religious about “staying in her power” and her rituals that keep her there, treats and looks at her body and self with love, and is a true embodiment of all that
we stand for here!
Stella is a true blessing to have in your corner! She is incredible at seeing what’s going on with beneath the surface and taking a stand for what’s best for you in all areas of your life!

Watch More of Stella’s Story Here

Book a complimentary Breakthrough Call with Stella to learn more about coaching and get a plan to get you from where you are to where you want to be!
Can Support You

- Weight loss without restriction
- Breaking free from binge, emotional, and compulsive eating
- Leaving restriction, food rules, and control behind and embracing ways of eating that support you thriving
- Cultivating trust in yourself and your body
- Embodiment, listening to and honoring your body and intuition
- Working through negative body image and owning your worth
- Pre and post-natal coaching and support with body image, nutritional support, and beyond
- Overcoming Limiting Beliefs keeping you stuck in self sabotage
- Feminine and Masculine Energy and how to balance both when it comes to your relationship with food and your body and beyond
- Awareness around your emotional patterns and helping you shift out of those states that drive you to turn to food
- Stepping in your power, your highest self, and YOUR truth so you can live your best life!

See What Stella's Clients Are Saying...

Learn how Cherie went from feeling out of touch with her body to stepping into her worth allowing her to release the physical, mental and emotional weight that was keeping her stuck.

Learn how Stephanie went from being disconnected from her body to creating a lasting body connection that helped her release weight and step into her true worth.

Learn how Kristin went from self sabotaging with food to partnering with her body allowing her to let go of this destructive pattern and extra weight.
“Brittany Brown gave me back my life. The weight just kept coming off. The best part is it’s staying off! I finally feel empowered and free from my struggle with binge eating and food, for good!”
- Sara V, 42
“I’ve lost 24 pounds and my health has improved drastically but beyond that, my urge to binge is gone. I’m learning new ways of coping with things that used to trigger me and falling in love with myself again. Activities that used to scare me are fun now, even dating! If you’re on the fence like I was, schedule a call with Brittany, you will be so happy you did. Working with her has changed my life!”
- Nicole S, 35
“I have been able to maintain those changes for nearly two years, and have continued to drop the weight, sleep better, and have a ton of energy throughout the day. Not only has she changed the way I look and feel, but she has also transformed me back to the confident, young woman I once was.”
- Amy Benner, 29
“I am so happy I committed and signed up. The program is excellent, the support I received was incredible. Schedule your call with Brittany and see for yourself! It truly is life changing!!”
- Noemy M, 27
I’m not obsessing about food every moment of the day. I’m not bingeing. I’m actually living and loving my life and am able to finally experience all the blessings around me.
- Sara B
The support from her and the group is what sets this apart from trying to do this on your own. It was great working with Brittany because she has been there and completely understands. Working with Brittany was on of the best things I’ve done for myself.
- Michele F.
Cherie wanted to lose weight and actually FEEL her hunger and fullness cues in her body. Not only did she release weight, she also released the emotional weight that was keeping her stuck turning to food. She stepped into her worth where her exterior is now in alignment with her interior world.
- Cherie
Stephanie wanted to truly connect to her body and TRUST her body. She came to me wanting to lose weight from bingeing as well. We not only allowed her to truly connect to her body and OWN her worth, we also got her body to start releasing the weight as well!
- Stephanie
Kristin came to me wanting one on one guidance as to how to get out of her own way of self sabotage. She wanted to stop running to food when life got hard. Not only did we get her to shift out of these self destructive patterns, her body naturally released weight as a result of her and her body coming into partnership. We were able to connect her blind spots and see that she is worthy of the life she desires.
- Kristin
Stephanie wanted to truly connect to her body and TRUST her body. She came to me wanting to lose weight from bingeing as well. We not only allowed her to truly connect to her body and OWN her worth, we also got her body to start releasing the weight as well!
- Stephanie
Change Your Life?
Book a call with Stella below to learn
more about coaching and get a plan
to get from where you are to where
you want to be!
On this call Stella will personally speak with and determine what is the best path to get you from stuck in your struggle with food and your body to living your best life where you are free to focus on what truly matters (fun, dreams, experiences, loved ones…)!