4 Simple Ways To Shift Resistance and Self-Sabotage When You’re Stuck in an Emotional Funk
You know that feeling of “you know what to do, but just don’t want to”?
I’m talking specifically about those moments when you’re feeling down.
When you know that something like journaling, meditating, or yoga would really help you feel better…
BUT for whatever reason, the thing that will make you feel good is the LAST thing you want to do.
(And, if you’re honest, you might really feel like a cookie or a bag of chips would work faster than a yoga class or a journaling session anyway…)
Can you relate? I have to say I resonate with that!
So what do you do when you’re resisting what you know will help you feel better, and you’re on the fast track to choosing the quick-fix instead?
Watch the video below for 4 simple ways to shift resistance and clear your mind! Discover how to supercharge your self with these proven steps so you can actually do #allthethings that will get you back to YOU!
Here’s the deal. Resistance to new things is normal. Sometimes, sticking with familiar emotions feels more comfortable. Even “familiar” is an emotional downward spiral. So even if you learned all the guru-approved tips and tricks to blast yourself out of a funk, actually implementing them is a tall order.
So there you are in an emotional downward spiral. Then add to that the fact that you just don’t feel like doing what’s “good for you.” Not only are you feeling down, but you’re beating yourself up for not doing that 40-step process you read about that is supposed to cure your blues.
This can make the emotional downward spiral even worse!
Now, here’s a couple of conflicting truths about trying to live a “positive” life that not many people talk about…
Trying to get to your “happy place” might backfire if you push yourself to get there before you’re ready. Yet at the same time, the more stressed out that you are, the more you need these emotional release strategies! The irony is that sometimes the moment you need something the most is the very moment that you DON’T want to do it.
So when you’re stuck in this place, the question becomes, what now?
The key is having a few strategies in place to help you stop, let go of resistance, and get back to your center. From there, you can actually take the steps to give yourself what you need the most, and without resistance or self-sabotage.
So how do you get past resistance and allow yourself to use the techniques that you need?
I’ve narrowed it down to 4 simple ways to shift your resistance, stop sabotaging yourself, and take back your power. From there, all those “feel good” tactics will actually work!
Let’s get into those right here…
Tip #1: Do one small thing that instantly brings you peace. When you’re in a state of emotional turmoil, you need to find your center before you do anything else. So pause. Take a breath. Then do something simple that brings you clarity and connection quickly.
In other words, instead of beating yourself up to move from chaos to peace, just give yourself a minute!
Stop criticizing yourself for all the things you think you should be doing but aren’t. And don’t worry about the “10 step processes” or the hour-long meditation sessions that you read about on the internet that you should be doing.
Clear your mind, and give yourself a chance to get grounded. Shift your state before you do anything else.
How do you do it? It’s up to you! For you, it might be a quick walk outside or a dance break. It could be punching a pillow, making your car into a “scream chamber,” or jamming out to your favorite song.
Decide what that simple, easy-to-do resetting action is for you.
Use it when your emotions get high and the resistance ramps up. Then, when you get to that grounded place, you can then decide what the next best steps will be to support yourself.
Tip #2: Drop the “backpack.” Let’s say you’re feeling the downward spiral coming on, and you’ve already got a ton of advice on how to stop it.
Someone tells you to journal, then someone tells you to meditate. And if you’re honest, they all sound really hard to do in the moment when things are hard.
Each tip feels like just “one more thing” that you should be doing but aren’t. It feels like every strategy is another brick you’re adding to the backpack you’re carrying. And that backpack keeps getting heavier and heavier.
So drop that backpack! Forget the 40 tips you’ve heard from the 40 different experts. Then focus on ONE tip. Focus on the smallest doable action that you can do right now, and nothing more. Follow through on that action before you do anything else.
Here’s why this step is so effective…
When you take one small step and follow through on it, your brain takes notice. The more that you continue following through on the small steps, the more your brain starts to trust that you’ll keep doing it.
Pretty soon, you’ve created the evidence that you can trust yourself to be true to your word. This is when believing in yourself starts to get easy!
If you’re anything like me, this “small step” thing might not sound that exciting or magical. Maybe you feel like it should be a bigger and more dramatic leap. I get that!
But that “go big or go home” attitude won’t serve you when you’re going down an emotional spiral. It will only make you feel worse for not being able to climb a mountain in a single bound.
You’ll likely try to do too much too fast to feel better. Then when the leaps and bounds don’t actually stick, you end up feeling more stuck than you did before.
So take that big mountain of resistance, and climb it with small, doable steps. Focus on one step at a time, and follow through each time.
Tip #3: Ask yourself 3 simple questions. Say you’ve committed to the pause in Tip #1 and have shifted to a more grounded place. Now it’s time to ask yourself 3 simple questions.
Here’s my 3-question process…
Put your hand on your heart. Take three deep breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth. Then ask these 3 questions:
How am I feeling, how do I want to feel, and what do I need to feel that way?
For example, you might be feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and anxious. You might want to feel energized, grounded, and inspired. So what is the next doable step to help you feel that way?
It could be as simple as a glass of water. Or a walk outside in nature. Maybe now might be the time for that journaling, meditation, or yoga.
The beauty is that you’re ready to receive these things now, and you get to choose what will work best for you!
So check in with yourself. Ask yourself these questions. Speak them out loud if you can for maximum effectiveness. Then do the smallest doable step to help you feel the way you want to feel right NOW.
Tip #4: Free write! If you’re feeling grounded enough, this is the time where the journaling will support you. Get it all out of your head and onto the page, using the 3 questions from Tip #3. Or, if you’re feeling more of a good old-fashioned brain dump journaling session, go for it!
The point is to first shift your state, then take it to the next level with a free writing session. This will help you not get the remaining mental clutter out.
Now, here’s the interesting part about all these tips…
Did you notice that with all these tips, we weren’t actually “solving” a problem? That’s because when you’re feeling intense resistance, you don’t really need to solve anything right away.
The best part is that you can do this in literally a few minutes!
You don’t have to meditate on a mountaintop for three hours to stop an emotional downturn. Just take a few minutes and shift your state. Then decide what the next best step is to get you to where you want to be.
There’s always ups and downs, resistance, self-sabotage that come up on any journey. After all, when you’re making big changes, your default response is likely to go back to what you know.
The path to food freedom is no exception.
So I want you to know that we’re here to support you on this journey.
Click the image below where I’ve got a special gift for you! We call them, “Craving Cards”, and they’re one of our most popular tools!
If you ever feel night time cravings, sugar cravings, the urge to just say “screw it I’m going to start my diet over tomorrow”, or like you need a little body confidence pick me up…
Just grab a card, go through the prompts, and shift it instantly!
Click the image above and let me know where to send them!
You’ll also get mini demo video training sessions for each card where I share how to use the cards and some of my best tips for food freedom forever!
With our Craving Cards and Demo Series…
You’ll learn how to stop cravings in their tracks, feel confident, and get back your power, fast!
PS: Want the exact freedom and ease with our foods that myself and thousands of our clients get to experience?
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Many of our students have seen a DRASTIC difference in as little as a few days!
It’s our signature program, and up until recently, it was $3000 or more to join.
For now, you can get it as a part of our Food Freedom Collection for practically free by clicking the image below!
There is no catch…every resource I’ve created for food freedom and body confidence will land straight in your if you just click that image below and let me know where to send it!
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