I’m Brittany Brown.
Oh, and I like cats.

Living between Florida and California, fueled up from sunshine in bikinis I used to be too terrified to wear (yep, I hated my body and binged my face off daily for 12+ years…I’ll fill you in on that soon).
I’m proud to have founded our heart-centered mission here, and created this safe haven where thousands of women have broke free from some of their deepest struggles with themselves, their bodies, and food.
Through our successful Coaching and Online Programs, our weekly blog posts and episodes on BrittanyBtv, leading our tribe of 100k+ Food Freedom Fighters internationally, as well as speaking on stages and leading retreats and events around the globe…
Myself and our team help women just you like take
back your power and cultivate inner peace, self love,
confidence, and what we like to call: food freedom forever!
I envision a world where...
women own their worth, have it easy with food, and walk through the world with freedom, bliss, and joy in a body they feel confident in. When a woman feels at peace with herself and at home in her body anything is possible and the ripple effect is unstoppable – and this starts with you.
My Story

Through years in the trenches, schooling, and training, working for, and working with renowned leaders in health, coaching, and personal development coupled with a burning desire to heal so I could help others – I found REAL freedom (not the type where you have to fight cravings daily). I found this freedom in a super unconventional way (that’s why it worked) and now, I have the privilege of sharing this method I discovered and created with the world!
And that brings me to you…
I may have taken the long and difficult route, but there definitely is an easier way and I’ve simplified the path to freedom for you.
You were not put on this earth to struggle with food.
What’s this mean for you?
It means you actually feel normal around food.
It means you recognize your beauty, and your confidence is through the roof.
It means you feel at home in your body and know exactly what you need to thrive.
It means that you love your body at any weight, and your body naturally goes to it’s happy place weight without having to fight it.
It means that you eat a piece of pizza because you feel like it and don’t eat the whole box just because you had one slice.
It means that you can take or leave the pizza without much thought because you feel so damn good that healthy choices become second nature.
It means that your life is easy because food and your weight are no longer at the center of your universe.
It means you can live life on your terms and enjoy the moments that matter most without fear, shame, guilt, or your weight holding you back.
It means you are free. Free to love…
Yourself. Your body. Your life.
Imagine feeling so confident and in your power, that you can
freely live your life and give this love to others without food
holding you back.
Do you see the ripple effect?
That’s our mission; I hope you join us.

Are you ready for food freedom forever?®
Speak to a Certified Eating Psychology and Beating Binge Breakthrough Coach to get your own step-by-step blueprint to feel in your power with your food, and feel good in your skin, fast!
(Our process works with a proven success rate no matter
how many methods you’ve tried or how “far gone” you feel)

Meet Our Leadership Team
Mary Brown
Katrina Estall
Priya Barbera