The end of the year coming fast, and guess what? The Holidays are back. So is everything that goes with them.
But as much fun as snow, shopping, and Hallmark movies are, let’s be real…The end of the year festivities can sometimes be tough on the emotional front.
Maybe you had a challenging year. Maybe you’re feeling lonely.
Or, maybe nothing is really wrong in your life, but you still feel a bit “off” inside.
Either way, all of the 24/7 holiday happiness can get to you. And it can make you feel down when it’s supposed to do just the opposite.
Not only is it not fun, but it can potentially leave you vulnerable to triggers. Things like alcohol, mindless Social Media Scrolling, and of course, food.
But fear not! Today I’m going to show you cheer yourself up if the holiday blues have got you down.
Because let’s be honest. Quick-fixes for sad moods don’t work ANY time of the year.
And trying to force yourself to feel happy when you aren’t never works, no matter what the season.
In today’s videos, I share three simple steps to lift your spirits and get your holiday cheer back on, no quick-fix required!
I speak for myself, but I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. So here goes.
Sometimes, even when my life is flying high, there’s a part of me that feels a little down.
I have many moments where life looks beautiful on the outside, yet for some unknown reason, I’m feeling less than happy.
Other times, my life is crazy and chaotic, and I feel stressed and overwhelmed, and I know exactly why I’m feeling off.
But either way, when I feel less than stellar, I know I can be unnecessarily hard on myself.
Here’s an example from my life…
A while back, I moved across the country to start a new life adventure. It’s been a fantastic experience, but even now, I still often feel like I’m far from home.
Sure, I visit a lot. But I don’t have the luxury of popping in to hang out at my nephew or making spur-of-the-moment plans with my Mom.
This gets especially stuff around the holidays.
Regardless of what’s causing you stress or to feel down over the holidays, emotional stress can bring on emotional triggers. We all know where that can lead, right? (Emotional eating, perhaps?)
So let’s make sure that holiday stress doesn’t get the better of you this year!
I’ve got three ways to turn those sad feelings around and get back to enjoying life. You can use them to bring back your holiday cheer, or give you a boost any time you’re feeling a little low…
Step 1: Be with what’s happening. First things first. If you’re feeling down, just own it. Instead of forcing yourself to be happy right away, simply recognize how you feel. Know that if you’re feeling sad, down, or lonely, that’s OK.
Sometimes we all try to bypass your emotions rather than just being with them. And there’s plenty of quick fixes out there to help us do it. But they all only work for so long.
Even worse, they disconnect you from yourself.
So instead of grabbing a drink, a snack, or getting lost in comparison while scrolling Instagram, try something better.
First, acknowledge how you feel, and without judgment. I’m not saying to wallow in self-pity. You don’t have to lay in bed for hours, dwelling on your misery. Simply acknowledge what is coming up.
Be with your emotions, and honor yourself. Breathe, connect with yourself, and let the feelings move through you without making them mean anything.
Then, once the feelings pass, do something kind and supportive for yourself!
Maybe it’s getting out of the house and changing your immediate environment. It could be calling a friend, sharing an honest post online, or focus on what you’re grateful for in life.
Speaking of gratitude, let’s talk about Step 2!
Step 2: Look for What’s Working. Let’s be honest. If you’re constantly looking for what’s wrong in your life, what do you think you’ll see? That’s right. More of what’s wrong.
This is where a shift in focus comes in. Once you’ve been honest about how you feel, and you’ve worked through the tough stuff, focus next on how you want to feel.
Back when I first started my business, all I thought about was how far I had to go. How much money I wasn’t making. Scarcity was the name of my game.
Then one of my coaches, Ryan Yokome, had me try a super-simple but game-changing exercise…
He had me write down five things in my life that I was grateful for and five things I could acknowledge myself for. I was instructed to do this every night, and to watch what happened.
What a difference it made! It made me realize that up until then, my brain was so busy looking for the struggle that it overlooked the good stuff in my life.
Doing this easy exercise every night did more than making me feel good in the moment. Over time, it trained my brain to start looking for what was right instead of what was wrong. This has been my predominant attitude every since!
So start noticing all of the things that are right in your life, and do it routinely. Regularly give yourself credit for how amazing you are. Over time, seeing the beauty in every moment will be your new normal.
Thanks for the exercise, Ry!
Step 3: Get it out (ideally in your journal). Now I have to be totally transparent. I don’t always like journaling, but I AM big on it. It’s an extremely powerful practice, but it does take…well, practice.
Sometimes making yourself put pen to paper and write out how you’re feeling is a struggle. What I have found is that ironically, the more I despise the idea of journaling, the more I need to actually do it.
Journaling is an amazingly effective way to sort out your feelings and find your center. There’s something quite powerful about getting your feelings out of your body and onto the page.
What do I do if I really need to journal but hate the thought of writing? I just grab a pen and start what I call a “brain dump.”
I write down everything–all the nasty feelings, all the mental stories, random nonsense–whatever is in my head. I get it out of my head and onto the page.
Then, once I get it all out, a wild thing happens…
I feel differently about whatever was bothering me. Whatever it was doesn’t seem to be nearly as scary anymore.
Most of all, I always realize that no matter what I’m feeling, I’m going to be OK.
It helps me remember that I can handle anything, I’m never alone, and everything is working out in my favor. There’s a divine plan, and I’m part of it.
Then, I look for the gift in whatever it was that was stressing me out. And trust me, there is always a gift in every experience.
Take my moving across the country as an example. Sure, it’s still often challenging to be so far from home. But since I’ve been in my new city, I’ve created a community of amazing friends.
Honestly, if I would’ve stayed close to my own home, I might not have put so much effort into finding friends who “get” me on a Soul level. But necessity spurned me into action, and now I have an amazing support network.
There’s always a silver lining. The more you train your brain to see it, the more you’ll actually see it!
So use these tips to get yourself centered when those holiday blues hit you. Remember that no matter how challenging things look, there is always a way through.
There’s a gift in every experience. And you have the power to shift your thoughts, shift your inner state, and shift your reality.
That’s when feeling amazing becomes the rule rather than the exception, no matter what time of year it is!
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