Here’s the truth: your journey to food freedom isn’t a one-step process… and also there’s no one method to magically change things overnight.
Trust me, I tried to find that quick fix for over 12+ years, and I can tell you that it doesn’t exist.
I struggled hard with binge and emotional eating, but I found my way back. And let me tell you that it did not happen overnight.
There are many potential roadblocks on your journey that you might not be paying attention to or may not even be aware of (and this could sideline you for a long time).
I’m not trying to discourage you but I just want you to know the truth, so you can avoid the same mistakes I made in my decade’s worth of journey.
Finding your way to freedom is especially tough if you’re on your own, with nothing but good ol’ Google or the ‘Gram for help.
But it doesn’t have to be that way! I’ve helped thousands of women kick binging to the curb for good. So I’m happy to share my discoveries with you and I promise you that breaking free from binging isn’t as complicated as you think it is.
If you are someone that’s struggling with emotional eating and trying to make peace with your body, this is your chance to let go of all the pressure you’ve been putting on yourself. Honestly, it’s not your fault and allow me to explain why.
Keep reading to learn the 4 most common red flags to look out for when you’re circling the internet for advice. I’ll also be sharing the most effective system to kick binge and emotional eating to the curb and hot to blow past them like a boss, once and for all! (Hint: It’s more than one quick fix strategy)
Roadblock #1: You’re using tools but not a system.
You’ll find experts everywhere on everything these days and beating binge & emotional eating is, of course, no exception.
A lot of coaches and experts out there tout their favorite tips and tricks as THE be-all, end-all solution. Do this or that just the way they tell you, and you’ll never binge again.
Really? It never worked for me ever!
This is the first most common mistake we all make: pinning all your hopes on a few random tools.
It took me literally 12 years to even start breaking free. Even at that 12 year mark it took about 5 more years to be as free as I am now. Back then, I thought that simply NOT binging was true freedom. I had no idea that stopping the physical act of binging alone wasn’t enough.
At the time I was cherry-picking the tools I was using. I got this tip from that guru, and that tip from another online influencer. They all sort of worked, at least for a while…orrr even worse, didn’t work at all.
Then I discovered that I was only getting random pieces to the puzzle, but no complete picture.
Have you ever watched a video about intuitive eating, and thought it was the answer for you?
Maybe then you tried it, and you thought you’d found a miracle solution. But sooner or later, the “new” wore off. The “intuitive” thing stopped working too. And before you knew it, you were scouring the cabinets, elbow-deep in a bag of chips again…
Sound familiar? I know I’ve been there and done that!
This doesn’t mean that intuitive eating doesn’t work. It means that intuitive eating is a tool, but it’s one you’re just not ready for yet or need to have a few other pieces in place for it to work.
Random stand-alone strategies won’t do it for you. You need a system in place. So stop relying on one-off tips alone.
Find a step-by-system plan that takes you from where you are to where you want to be. Clear steps in a logical sequence is the way to get you there a lot faster than just random jumps all over the map.
Roadblock #2: Fear or Lack of Results Taking You Back to Diet Mentality
Ever had a moment where you’re feeling in control with food, you’re making progress, and then you get on the scale and your heart sinks low?
Or maybe you’ve been “listening to your body” for a while and it’s going pretty well. But then you get hit by those binge urges again, you don’t know what to do, and you freak out.
What do you do in either case? It’s normal to get discouraged or maybe even scared. You have no idea what to do next because you’ve never been down this road before. So you go back to the old tried and true…restricting, controlling, or dare I say it: “Dieting” (At least you know what you’re getting on that track, right?)
Fear and uncertainty can stop you in your tracks. They can make you feel lost, confused, and longing for the familiar (even if it always failed you).
But here’s the thing. With any kind of change comes uncertainty and fear. That’s a given. (In fact, sometimes those uncertain feelings let you know that you’re on the right track!)
The key is to recognize the fear… is to hit the “pause” button, and not let it drag you back to your comfort zone. Then, take the next smallest doable step to move yourself forward.
Seek support you need to navigate through them. You owe it to yourself NOT to throw up your hands and quit when it gets uncomfortable. Trust that you’re on the right track and keep going.
Roadblock #3: Focusing on Emotions and Ignoring Physiology
Now, I’ll be the first to say that there are often a lot of emotions behind eating issues. So naturally, exploring your emotions and triggers is a POWERFUL part of the process.
Where I have a problem with things is when people read books, go to therapy, talk to a coach and the “expert” leads them there and totally ignores the most significant cause of it all: physiology.
Now, I’m not knocking therapy. Many skilled therapists help people heal emotional issues and traumas which I feel is beautiful work and needed for so many people.
BUT, with binge and emotional eating, healing your physiology is the FIRST step on the road to freedom. Here’s why:
Let’s say you’re working with a therapist. You’re talking about your emotional triggers, childhood traumas, and limiting beliefs. This deep inner work is beautiful and powerful. The only trouble is that in the midst of this therapy – you are still doing things with your food that are rooted in diet mentality or depriving you in some way…
That means that those urges to binge will persist. Your brain will keep setting off the alarm bells. For you to eat. Your cravings will still be out of control. Emotional healing doesn’t matter if your brain is still raging with binge triggers.
I’m not saying don’t do the deep work. But just don’t depend on emotional healing to do all the work for you!
Go for a system that includes physiological work, brain science, and emotional work. Only an all-encompassing system will break you free for good. (cough cough: we’ve got one of those 😉
Roadblock #4: The allure of diet culture.
Just when you’re getting closer to breaking free from binging, it pulls you back in and traps you again. It’s that thing that we at Beating Binge Eating call diet culture.
Our world is entrenched diet culture. It’s full of those constant messages that you’re not good enough. Messages telling you that you need to improve. Implications that you need is to follow this diet or that one, and only then will you be OK.
Then there are the subconscious diet culture messages telling you how you should look. One size should fit all. And if you don’t fit the mold, you don’t measure up, right? (When most of the time the pictures you see on Instagram hawking these messages aren’t even real!)
So you believe what you see, and you buy into whatever diet they’re selling. Then before you know it, you’re back in the diet-binge-guilt-repeat cycle. Exactly what you DON’T want.
No matter how free you feel, diet culture can still sneak in and find your vulnerable spots. Then it can lure you back into the cycle you’ve been trying so hard to break.
Try this for yourself:
Take your focus off of weight loss, and put it on healing your relationship with yourself. The goal is to feel vibrant, happy and alive. It’s about supporting your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Diets don’t do that. Don’t you agree!
Roadblock Recap: What to Watch Out For:
1) Not having all the pieces to the puzzle, or putting them in the wrong order.
2) Fear, confusion, and going back to the familiar when things get scary.
3) Going for the deep inner work but ignoring your body and brain science.
4) And of course, diet culture.
Don’t let these roadblocks take you off your path anymore.
If you want to jump off the self-sabotaging cycle and get on the pathway to food freedom, we are here for you!
Click the image below where I’ve got a special gift for you! We call them, “Craving Cards”, and they’re one of our most popular tools!
If you ever feel night time cravings, sugar cravings, the urge to just say “screw it I’m going to start my diet over tomorrow”, or like you need a little body confidence pick me up…
Just grab a card, go through the prompts, and shift it instantly!
Click the image above and let me know where to send them!
You’ll also get mini demo video training sessions for each card where I share how to use the cards and some of my best tips for food freedom forever!
With our Craving Cards and Demo Series…
You’ll learn how to stop cravings in their tracks, feel confident, and get back your power, fast!
PS: Want the exact freedom and ease with our foods that myself and thousands of our clients get to experience?
In our Beating Binge Eating Blueprint (BBEB), I show you how to make this happen in just 8 weeks!
Many of our students have seen a DRASTIC difference in as little as a few days!
It’s our signature program, and up until recently, it was $3000 or more to join.
For now, you can get it as a part of our Food Freedom Collection for practically free by clicking the image below!
There is no catch…every resource I’ve created for food freedom and body confidence will land straight in your if you just click that image below and let me know where to send it!
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