A Fun and Rewarding Way to Reach Your Weight Loss Goals
I am in route to my dream vacation in Greece, Athens and Santorini to be specific. This trip has been something I’ve envisioned since I learned about vision work and manifesting years ago, so despite the jet-lag, this whole experience is a bit surreal and very exciting! Every 90 days or so I take an inventory of my goals in my business, life and health as well as do a deep dive into my client’s progress so I can eliminate what hasn’t worked, course correct with new innovations when necessary, and do more of what has been working well. With two long flights and a layover, today turned out to be a fantastic time to do just that.
After laying it all out, I realized even more so that I have a ton going on right now! New services including weekend retreat in-person intensives coming in October, a Podcast launching in November, my Beating Binge Eating Blueprint Group Coaching Program launching in January, along with my clients, my life and everything in between going on at all times. When I think about all of this, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. My natural response to overwhelm used to be to search for something outside of myself to calm the panic like; more structure, better time management, and more action.
I saw this pattern both when I wanted results in my business and also when I wanted results with my body.
Tell me if this sounds familiar…
It’s the end of the day. You’ve been hustling and running around since early morning. Working, errands, knocking out the to-do list, taking care of the children if you have them and then it stops. You feel like there’s so much more you can be doing but you’re beat. You may even feel like you deserve a little pleasure and a little freedom, after all you’ve been taking care of things to do and other people’s needs all day. So, to the fridge you go to find it…
Or maybe this…
You want to lose weight. You have tried a ton of diets and nothing seems to last. Maybe it does short term but something always seems to snap and back to overeating or binge eating you go. You’re on the constant quest for something outside of yourself to tell you exactly how to eat and exactly how to work out. There’s very little reliance on your internal guidance system at this stage of the game, it’s just what your diet or plan for the week tells you. You may even lose both faith and trust in yourself in the process. The approach you settle on after over-thinking and searching always tends to be something you can control, something concrete, and something rigid with very little room for flexibility.
So here’s the thing with this all-too-familiar approach. It sucks. It’s no fun. It doesn’t work long-term. It leads you to the same frustrating and most likely fattening results over and over. So, why don’t we look at another way? One that supports you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually to be the best version of you and has also worked with myself and countless clients.
I’m writing this post is because after analyzing my progress, I see that I’ve produced more results in the last 3 months in my business than I have in most of my career combined. I also looked at what I’ve been doing different, and while I’ve been taking an insane amount of disciplined action and had a relentless commitment to my mission (more than ever before), I’ve also taken more time off and allowed more time for fun, pleasure, reconnecting, grounding and enjoying life than I ever have. I’ve been making time for activities to both celebrate my wins and take some time to disconnect from the hustle and reconnect with my soul and loved ones.
When I think about the times where my body is the happiest, and I maintain a healthy mind and physique, it’s when I do the same and also make time for self-care despite my busyness. It’s when I operate inside somewhat of a structure of eating that will support my busy lifestyle and high demand I place on my body and brain, but also allow flexibility and freedom in my food choices in accordance to what my body needs and is craving. It’s when I balance the discipline of getting myself up and getting to the gym or outside to move, with moving in ways that are fun, that make me feel alive and reconnect me to my feminine power.
Here is a list of masculine and feminine characteristics so you can see what I mean by “feminine power”, and I’ll explain soon how understanding these characteristics can impact your health and your life.
Masculine Energy vs Feminine Energy
doing vs being
aggression vs surrender
analytical vs intuitive
concrete vs abstract
impatient vs patient
striving vs tranquil
rushing vs nurturing
assertive vs receptive
left brain vs right brain
thrusting vs receiving
organization vs synthesizing
logical vs creative
busy vs calm
hard vs soft
controlling vs allowing
After looking at the list, do you see how maybe your approach to weight loss, your health and your life might be dominated by the more masculine characteristics? I know that’s my go to when I’m looking at a goal that I want to achieve. It’s also my go to when I’m in fear or feeling threatened in any way. My immediate reaction is “What can I do to fix this?”…”I don’t want to deal with this now I might as well work and get a ton done(it used to be eat)”…”I don’t have time for fun or connection I have too much to do (it used to be fear I’d overeat in these situations, or fear of what others would think of my weight).”
Knowing this about myself, I still have to consciously balance those masculine tendencies with some feminine principles; this makes my mind, body and soul very happy. Don’t get me wrong, the masculine is awesome. It is how this website was built. Without assertive action and doing, it wouldn’t have been launched, but there has to be balance especially when working with your body.
The feminine is responsible for attracting and receiving most of my clients, it’s what inspires me to write, it’s what guides me to be able to deliver intuitive messages to my clients that help them breakthrough their most difficult barriers. If I’m tapped into consistent self-care and honoring my body, it’s what keeps my body happy, it’s what keeps my stress response down, it’s what keeps my weight balanced and maintained, it’s what makes me feel connected to loved ones, to the Universe, to my body and to my soul.
Reaching to food for comfort or to avoid feelings may be a very real thing for you, but most likely you’re also using food to fill an empty space inside of you that longs to be satisfied. This would look like searching for something at the end of the day and oftentimes choosing food, feeling empty and like something is missing, or maybe over indulging because you love the guilty pleasure or rush of eating a forbidden dessert or sweet.
More times than not, the answer is inside of you, especially when it comes to giving your body what it needs to thrive.
Action Step to End Your Food Cravings
Your food cravings (especially cravings for sweets) may very well be a craving for more pleasure, fun, joy, presences, connection and feminine flow.
What are some ways you’ve used masculine characteristics to dominate the way you relate and try to get results with your body and in your life?
What are 5 activities that you can do to reconnect you to fun, joy, pleasure or that feminine power (hint hint: yoga, dance, art, time with a close friend, reading, wearing something you love, meditation, time outside and in nature, a bath, self-care, your favorite TV show, adorning your body with beautiful jewelry…)
Now take a look at your schedule. Where can you take 30 minutes each day to indulge in your non-food related guilty pleasure? Make it happen and please leave your ideas below in the comments! You’ll thank my later 😉
If you need any support in this area, we are here for you!
Click the image below where I’ve got a special gift for you! We call them, “Craving Cards”, and they’re one of our most popular tools!
If you ever feel night time cravings, sugar cravings, the urge to just say “screw it I’m going to start my diet over tomorrow”, or like you need a little body confidence pick me up…
Just grab a card, go through the prompts, and shift it instantly!
Click the image above and let me know where to send them!
You’ll also get mini demo video training sessions for each card where I share how to use the cards and some of my best tips for food freedom forever!
With our Craving Cards and Demo Series…
You’ll learn how to stop cravings in their tracks, feel confident, and get back your power, fast!
PS: Want the exact freedom and ease with our foods that myself and thousands of our clients get to experience?
In our Beating Binge Eating Blueprint (BBEB), I show you how to make this happen in just 8 weeks!
Many of our students have seen a DRASTIC difference in as little as a few days!
It’s our signature program, and up until recently, it was $3000 or more to join.
For now, you can get it as a part of our Food Freedom Collection for practically free by clicking the image below!
There is no catch…every resource I’ve created for food freedom and body confidence will land straight in your if you just click that image below and let me know where to send it!
Health & Love,
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