Eat less, lose weight. Eat more, gain weight.
Simple enough, right?
You know the old-school wisdom as well as I do. Ugh, bye Felicia!
Well, I bet that whoever came up with those rules is stuck in 1982 AND probably never dealt with a worldwide lockdown. A lockdown with millions of people stuck in their homes, surrounded by tempting snacks 24/7.
If you struggle with food, being stuck at home with a cabinet full of snacks can trigger some serious anxiety eating. (And in a far bigger way than your everyday treat temptations!) So much for that “eat less” thing, right?
Now, here’s an idea that is so counterintuitive that you might think I’m crazy. But I’m going to share it anyway because it’s kind of a big deal.
What if I told you that the secret to balancing your cravings and the constant desire for food was actually to eat more food?
I know this might sound ridiculous on all levels.
Disclaimer: I am not advocating dieting, restricting food, or trying to control your eating or not control your eating with the end goal of “eating less” in mind, nor am I saying that “eating less” is the answer.
The truth is that there are many surprising benefits to eating more food. One of them, believe it or not, is that your body will begin to tell you what it wants and needs instead of continually driving you to eat more more more.
In this video, you’ll first learn the 5 signs that your brain is secretly triggering you to eat more food. Then, you’ll learn how to shift things so you can work WITH your brain and body instead of against it!
Best of all, you’ll learn to do this without controlling or restricting your food!
When we’re done, you’ll experience less snacking, less grazing, and fewer cravings. (Especially when you’re stuck at home with all those snacks around).
Watch the video below to learn how to eat more, want less, and feel amazing!
So I bet this is a familiar story…
You’re dieting. You’re restricting and controlling every bite you eat. Basically, your day is filled up with grazing and those “mini-meals” to help you lose weight.
But what does this constant calorie-cutting and food focus do to your brain?
It makes your brain hit the panic button. It gets the message that you’re not eating enough to support your system, and it triggers you to seek out food. Immediately. We call this state “survival mode.” It’s the number one reason why diets fail.
So what’s the solution? To ensure that your brain and body stay out of this “survival mode,” do one simple thing.
Eat more food throughout the day.
Now, let’s be clear. By “more food,” I don’t mean to gorge on pizza from dawn to dusk! I mean eating more satisfying meals. Meals that leave you satiated and satisfied. I’m NOT talking about a “mini-meal” of an apple and 5 almonds that you might’ve read about in Cosmopolitan magazine. I mean a real, genuine, grounding meal.
(BTW, let me tell you, I have never in my entire life been satisfied by an apple and 5 almonds. That is NOT a meal by anyone’s definition! But I digress…)
So get yourself a real meal. This means enough nourishing food to feel grounded, satisfied, and empowered. This is a boon for your brain and body throughout the day just from a nutritional standpoint. But there’s also something surprising (and awesome!) that happens the more you practice it…
The more you support yourself with adequate food, the more your brain and body trust you. Your brain no longer fears that you’ll let yourself starve, so it stops hitting you with desperate cravings to make you eat.
When you build that trust, that’s when the magic starts to happen!
We’re talking fewer food-focused thoughts. Fewer cravings. No more frantic triggers to eat. You build a beautiful, symbiotic relationship with your brain and body. There’s no more “survival mode” necessary. Your brain and body know you’re there for them.
Speaking of survival mode…
Want to know for sure if your brain is secretly triggering you to eat (even if you’ve stopped dieting)?
Keep reading, I’ve listed the main 5 signs that your brain is secretly triggering you to eat more food. I promise, if you’re feeling 2 or more of them, you’re most likely in survival mode–and you might not even know it.
Here are the 5 signs that your brain is trying to make you eat more food:
#1: You think about food. A LOT. In fact, you have to actively try not to think about it. What you had for breakfast, whether it was “healthy,” what you’re going to eat next, what you’re not going to eat, what you “can’t” eat…you get the idea.
#2: You turn to food for comfort. Whether it’s heightened emotions, stress, overwhelm, boredom, or you just don’t know what to do, you go to the cabinet for comfort. Food is always your go-to when things get rough.
#3: Once you get the “forbidden treat,” you can’t stop. The moment you let yourself have a bite of a trigger food, the floodgates open. You keep eating and you can’t stop.
#4: You have cravings that you can’t control. I’m not talking about an occasional pang for some chocolate. I mean those crazy food-driven thoughts that you can’t stop. The thoughts that lead you to lose control with food. Those thoughts that push you to eat things just because they’re there (like all those quarantine snacks!)
#5: You have an autopilot urge to eat. I’m talking about that compulsive urge to eat. The one that comes out of nowhere, that almost feels like it’s not really you. You get a feeling that something takes over you, and this unknown force drives you to keep eating.
So do any of these sound like you?
If two or more of these signs sound familiar, your brain is most likely triggering you to eat. It’s also likely that your brain has been doing this without your conscious awareness, too.
Now, what does this all have to do with eating more food so you eat less food?
The trick to shutting down these triggers is simply to eat more regularly. Eat in a way that satisfies you. We’re talking about real, satisfying meals. Choose a variety of foods (as much as possible given the circumstances). Eat meals that leave you feeling satiated for several hours.
And when I say “satiated,” I mean you get that warm-bellied feeling, the feeling that lasts for several hours. It’s the feeling when you know that you can focus on your day instead of being distracted by nagging hunger.
The more you make this a regular practice, the more your brain and body begin to trust you. They trust you to take care of yourself, and that they don’t need to set off the food emergency alarm bells anymore.
What happens next? Your body slowly but surely lets go of the need for massive quantities of food. It starts to feel full and satisfied with less!
For instance, the old me used to need massive amounts of food to feel satisfied. Now, I can have a much smaller meal and feel as full. It’s not because I’m cutting calories or carbs, either. It’s because I’ve built enough trust with my body that it knows I’m not going to starve it anymore.
That, my friends, is an empowering place to be!
So give this little counterintuitive trick a try! When you implement this, I guarantee that you’re going to snack less. You’re going to craze less. Those cravings will become a lot less fierce. Over time, you’ll even notice that you don’t need as much food to be satisfied!
The bottom line here? Keep checking in with your needs, even during this stressful time. Get yourself some satisfying meals, and have them on the regular throughout the day. This is definitely NOT the time to diet, restrict, and stress about food. This is the time to take care of yourself.
AND, if you’re looking for support in the food department to get you through these crazy times, we’ve got you…
Click the image below where I’ve got a special gift for you! We call them, “Craving Cards”, and they’re one of our most popular tools!
If you ever feel night time cravings, sugar cravings, the urge to just say “screw it I’m going to start my diet over tomorrow”, or like you need a little body confidence pick me up…
Just grab a card, go through the prompts, and shift it instantly!
Click the image above and let me know where to send them!
You’ll also get mini demo video training sessions for each card where I share how to use the cards and some of my best tips for food freedom forever!
With our Craving Cards and Demo Series…
You’ll learn how to stop cravings in their tracks, feel confident, and get back your power, fast!
PS: Want the exact freedom and ease with our foods that myself and thousands of our clients get to experience?
In our Beating Binge Eating Blueprint (BBEB), I show you how to make this happen in just 8 weeks!
Many of our students have seen a DRASTIC difference in as little as a few days!
It’s our signature program, and up until recently, it was $3000 or more to join.
For now, you can get it as a part of our Food Freedom Collection for practically free by clicking the image below!
There is no catch…every resource I’ve created for food freedom and body confidence will land straight in your if you just click that image below and let me know where to send it!
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