Here’s something that I’m sure WON’T shock you: diets don’t work.
I bet you know this all too well.
I doubt you’ll be surprised when I tell you that most diets have a 95% failure rate. And yet it seems like every day, there is a new diet book out there. Some expert telling you that their plan is the one that will buck the trend and finally work for you.
Funny how that rarely winds up being the case, isn’t it?
Think of it this way: would you get into a car if you knew that it had a 95% chance of crashing? Of course not. You probably don’t want to take that same chance with your health and well-being anymore.
So what’s the deal? Why don’t diets do the job, no matter how much we wish they would?
And why do so many of us keep coming back for more, no matter how lousy the odds might be?
I struggled with gaining and losing the same 30 pounds for nearly 12 years. We’re talking endless calorie counting, shaming and restricting all day and secret (and sometimes not-so secret) binge or overeating at nights.
But I found a way to jump off of the diet-overeat-repeat rollercoaster once and for all, and finally reach a place of freedom and ease with my body.
And guess what…lasting weight loss followed.
As you can imagine, I didn’t get there by using conventional wisdom OR the latest keto-based, carb-cycling, crazy plan.
I got there by realizing the truth behind why diets fail from a physiological, mental, and emotional standpoint. And from there, by creating something new based on my OWN internal wisdom and rooted in science of how the brain and body works instead of using cookie cutter advice from so-called “experts”.
I’ve narrowed it down to 7 steps that will help you let go of control, refocus, and release weight in a natural, loving, and LASTING way and I share them with you in this video below!
It’s more than calories in, calories out and killing it at the gym that’ll give bring you Food Freedom Forever. Let’s get into the 7 steps that’ll help you ditch the diet for good, and have weight loss that actually lasts!
Below I break down the above even deeper with 7 actionable steps to say bye to dieting and hello to food freedom forever!
Step 1: STOP Dieting. What’s the number one reason that diets don’t work? They’re all about control. And in their attempts to make you stop eating, all they do is trigger you to obsess about food even MORE. This ends up activating that part of the brain that makes you want to eat uncontrollably, and in the end, gain more weight. In short, the very thing that you thought would help you gain control only made you lose control.
So ditch the calorie-counting and macronutrient fixation. Ditch the food-focused plotting and planning. Throw out all the food rules. Get rid of the all-or-nothing mentality that triggers your brain into overeating overdrive. (And yes, that does mean lifting ALL food restrictions but does NOT mean go on a free for all with your eating–more on this in a moment!).
Step 2: Focus on nourishment rather than restriction. Most diets are all about what you CAN’T have. I’m saying that it’s far more productive to turn your attention to what you CAN have. That is, shifting the focus toward ways that food will honor your body rather than endlessly shame it.
For example, rather than telling yourself that you can’t have bread, pasta, or gluten, remind yourself what you DO get to have. Ask yourself what you can do to take care of your body. What does your body need? How can you eat today in a way that makes you feel supported, nurtured, and loved? Start turning your attention that way and watch what happens.
Step 3: Eat in a way that supports how you want to feel. Think about it for a moment. There are foods that leave you feeling energized, alive, and clear-minded. Then there are others that leave you feeling drained, sluggish, and exhausted.
In Step 1, we talked about lifting the ban on ALL foods. But that doesn’t mean go on a food-eating free-for-all, either! The key is not only to stop restricting yourself, but also finding an alternative to the all-or-nothing eating mentality. And that alternative is focusing on how you want to feel, then choosing the foods that will get you there.
So if you want to feel clear-minded today, what foods will help you with that? If you want to feel empowered today, what foods will align you with those feelings? Do your body the honor of choosing those foods, and feeling the way you want to feel as you enjoy them.
Step 4: Present moment choices. Once you’re out of survival mode and back to feeling connected to yourself, the next step is being present in this moment with your food choices.
Decide in every moment what your body needs rather than making choices based on the past or the future. For example, a non-present choice might be restricting your calories today because you overate the night before. Or it could be skipping lunch today because you’re going out to eat with friends tonight. It’s based on the past or the future. But not the NOW.
If you shift your focus to what will honor and nourish your body’s needs right now, you’ll experience a powerful shift. You’ll make choices based on that power. And ultimately, if you have weight to release, it will begin to come off naturally.
Step 5: Reconnecting with your body’s natural cues. Here’s another bizarre side effect of dieting: if you’ve been on the food restriction train for any length of time, your hunger and fullness cues eventually stop working. But if you follow the previous steps, and shift from survival to nourishment mode, something amazing starts to happen…Your body starts to speak to you again.
Now, it’s not like your body magically begins to tell you that it wants carrot sticks and celery. It’s more that your body’s natural hunger and fullness cues start to reinstate themselves. So you’ll get the ping from your body when it’s time to eat, and you’ll make present-moment choices to nourish it fully. You’ll also be able to tell when you’re naturally full, and honor your body’s request to stop when that satisfied, content, grounded feeling shows up.
Step 6: Slow down, and let your body balance out. When I say slow down, I mean slow down in every way. Practice decreasing your stress, being centered, and stepping proactively into a place of calm throughout your entire day. (And especially at mealtime!)
What does this do for you? First, it reduces your stress response. And that alone helps you restore balance to your metabolism and digestion. It means that you’re more present and aware in your body, which means you’re less likely to fall back into survival mode. Which eventually equals less eating, less food fixation, and less binging.
Your body will return to its natural state of balance. And the bonus is that if you have weight to lose, your chances of releasing it improve dramatically!
Step 7: Restore the workout-rest balance. It’s a common idea that to lose weight, you just have to work out harder. If you rest, you’re not burning calories, so you better kill it in the gym every single day, right? NOT exactly. The truth is that you need rest just as much as you need activity. And going all-out every day for hours on end actually has a backfire effect on weight loss efforts.
Rest time after a workout is when your body builds muscle. But overdoing it in the gym activates the stress response that blocks fat burning, slows down metabolism, and actually makes you hold on to the weight that you’re trying to lose (crazy, right?). But if you allow yourself ample rest after a vigorous workout, you’ll reap the benefits of your gym time without triggering an overzealous stress response.
You’ve probably noticed a trend here. It’s less about willpower, control, or force. And it’s more about partnering with your body, honoring its needs, and loving yourself.
Once you stop trying to control every bite you take, you’ll be at liberty to choose the foods that you truly need. You’ll make choices based on what your body desires the most.
And when you love your body, it can’t help but love you back. That’s what restores that beautiful and natural balance that brings on natural, lasting weight release.
It’s not about obsessing over the glycemic index of or the calorie count of every bite you eat. It’s about turning inward, reconnecting with your body, and asking the deeper questions. And always responding in kind.
It might take a little bit of time. But these tips are your ticket to peace, ease and balance in your body. (Not to mention lasting weight loss!)
I know this can be pretty counterintuitive, not to mention scary and confusing. It can be especially daunting if you’ve been dealing with binge or emotional eating. So created a free training that will help you apply these steps with a little more depth and a lot more ease.
Let me show you how to partner with your body rather than working against it, break free of old patterns, and set you up for Food Freedom Forever.
Click the image below where I’ve got a special gift for you! We call them, “Craving Cards”, and they’re one of our most popular tools!
If you ever feel night time cravings, sugar cravings, the urge to just say “screw it I’m going to start my diet over tomorrow”, or like you need a little body confidence pick me up…
Just grab a card, go through the prompts, and shift it instantly!
Click the image above and let me know where to send them!
You’ll also get mini demo video training sessions for each card where I share how to use the cards and some of my best tips for food freedom forever!
With our Craving Cards and Demo Series…
You’ll learn how to stop cravings in their tracks, feel confident, and get back your power, fast!
PS: Want the exact freedom and ease with our foods that myself and thousands of our clients get to experience?
In our Beating Binge Eating Blueprint (BBEB), I show you how to make this happen in just 8 weeks!
Many of our students have seen a DRASTIC difference in as little as a few days!
It’s our signature program, and up until recently, it was $3000 or more to join.
For now, you can get it as a part of our Food Freedom Collection for practically free by clicking the image below!
There is no catch…every resource I’ve created for food freedom and body confidence will land straight in your if you just click that image below and let me know where to send it!
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