You may not believe it now, but there was a time that I sincerely hated my body.
For nearly 12+ years I woke up nearly every day in a state of shame and overwhelm. The post-binge brain fog was in full-swing, and I felt a deep sense of disappointment. Mainly in myself.
For a little over a decade, I was stuck in a cycle of binge and emotional eating, and I saw no way out.
Today I live in a place of freedom and ease. I’ve made peace with my body and my food, and that old struggle is but a memory.
What helped me make such radical and lasting change? I found ways to break the cycle, reconnect with my body, and return to balance and harmony.
And now, I’ve taken the concepts that set me free and broken them into three simple phases that have went on to help thousands of other women do the same!
You deserve to be free. You deserve to peaceful, vibrant, balanced, and empowered in your own skin.
Getting to know the first three phases of Food Freedom Forever is the first step!
I go over the three phases to stopping binge eating for good in this video:
I go deeper into the three steps right here…
Phase One: Getting your brain and body on YOUR side!
Part A) Shut The “Binge Switch” Off. Sounds easier said than done, doesn’t it?
Let me explain how this works…
- Imagine that there’s a switch in your brain, and when it’s in the ON position you’re wired to eat. It’s that part of your brain that believes that it has to eat as much as possible in case food becomes scarce.
- When you restrict your food (mentally, emotionally, or physically), judge what you eat, make yourself wrong for what you eat etc…Your brain thinks it needs to make you eat to protect you, so it flips over to the ON position.
Before you know it, you’re eating like there’s no tomorrow. And you feel like you “just can’t stop.”
Part B) Rewiring your brain so your urges to binge become non existent:
- This part of the process lies in a deep understanding of where your urges come from – I don’t have space to go into all the neuroscience in this post, I’ll do that in another – for now know that it’s the part of your brain that is NOT the true you.
- Reasoning with this part of the brain does not work as it’s very irrational and automatic, that’s why it feels like something “takes over” when you are binge eating.
- Using separation tools, you can internalize your binges mean NOTHING about you and treat them objectively like an automatic pattern and condition a new way of being.
Action Tips for Phase One:
- If you feel that the only way to stop a binge from happening is to restrict what you’re “allowed” to eat, try this instead: Become present in your body. And ask yourself this question: “What would honor me the most right now?”
- Instead of telling your body NO, ask your body what it needs. Listen to what it tells you. And respond from a place of kindness and partnership.
- Practice not making your binge urges mean anything about you and begin viewing them as something separate from you all together.
Phase Two: Partnering WITH Your Body (Instead Of Fighting Against It). Let’s say that you had a relationship that was on the rocks. How would you begin rebuilding the loving partnership you once had? Would you start by fighting, shaming or criticizing? Probably not
What if you could respect that partnership in the same way that you honor the other relationships in your life? The key here is to treat your body with that kind of respect. It’s working with your body rather than fighting against it, forcing and shaming it into change.
Phase Two is about dropping the fight. It’s about becoming a loving partner to your body rather than an angry, driven, forceful one.
What does a loving relationship with your body look like? Let’s start with a mealtime example.
- Instead of obsessing over what you can or cannot eat, you ask your body what it needs. You tune into its natural cues and let it speak to you.
- You practice deep and intentional breathing. You become fully present within your body. From there, you relieve any fear, anxiety, or shame. And your body’s natural cues are there for you to hear.
- Gentle and honest communication with your body has even more benefits. As your body returns to alignment, your metabolism recalibrates itself. So you’re not only naturally drawn to the foods your body needs, but your body will also process them with new-found efficiency.
When you honor your body as a partner in a beautiful relationship rather than shaming it into change, magical things start happening! That’s the beauty of Phase Two.
Phase Three: Making the Shifts Last A Lifetime (Instead of Quick Fixes that Don’t Last). Now that you’ve done the inner work, it’s time to ensure that it’s a permanent transition.
I bet you’re aware that that binge eating is in part a physiological issue. But you’re also probably seeing that it’s far from the only piece to the puzzle. There are deeper triggers that can bring on binge-like behavior, too. And oftentimes, those triggers are related to limiting beliefs.
For example, suppose that you’ve always thought that health and happiness are easy to achieve. How does your body respond to that message? It goes to a place of balance naturally. No struggle, no fighting, no shaming.
Now, the flip side. You believe health and balance is hard. It requires pushing, punishing, and deprivation. Your beliefs then become a self-fulfilling prophecy. And that struggle for peace with food becomes REAL.
So why do we hold on to these kind of limiting beliefs? Frequently the force behind limiting beliefs is none other than FEAR.
- Fear of change.
- Fear of being pushed out of your comfort zone (whether it’s a loving place or not).
- Fear of giving up your emotional coping mechanisms (one of which is eating).
- Fear of giving up your safety.
- Fear of being seen.
- Fear of what will happen once you are free.
In Phase Three, it’s about letting go of the fear-based limiting beliefs lurking in the shadows, waiting to draw you back into old ways. The more you recognize your fears, the sooner you can release them. And from there, let go of the limiting beliefs they create.
This is what makes Phase Three so significant to your long-term success, so be sure to include this step!
So there you have it! Three Phases to break free, three steps closer to Food Freedom Forever.
I hope that you found these steps helpful, and that you’re making plans to put these three powerful phases to work for you!
One more thing: if you feel that you need a little more support around these steps, I’ve got a special gift for you…
Click the image below where I’ve got a special gift for you! We call them, “Craving Cards”, and they’re one of our most popular tools!
If you ever feel night time cravings, sugar cravings, the urge to just say “screw it I’m going to start my diet over tomorrow”, or like you need a little body confidence pick me up…
Just grab a card, go through the prompts, and shift it instantly!
Click the image above and let me know where to send them!
You’ll also get mini demo video training sessions for each card where I share how to use the cards and some of my best tips for food freedom forever!
With our Craving Cards and Demo Series…
You’ll learn how to stop cravings in their tracks, feel confident, and get back your power, fast!
PS: Want the exact freedom and ease with our foods that myself and thousands of our clients get to experience?
In our Beating Binge Eating Blueprint (BBEB), I show you how to make this happen in just 8 weeks!
Many of our students have seen a DRASTIC difference in as little as a few days!
It’s our signature program, and up until recently, it was $3000 or more to join.
For now, you can get it as a part of our Food Freedom Collection for practically free by clicking the image below!
There is no catch…every resource I’ve created for food freedom and body confidence will land straight in your if you just click that image below and let me know where to send it!
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