Believe me, I know what it’s like to struggle with food. I’m guessing you do too, and that is how you found my blog. If this is the case, welcome!
Now, if you’re here, I also bet you’ve had the same go-to to tactic to handle the stress of life that I had for over 12 years…
When the going gets tough, the tough hit the cabinet or the for several rounds of snacks!
It’s that familiar story for anyone who struggles with food (and even a lot of us who don’t).
STRESS eating. Emotional eating. Turning to food when life gets to be too much.
If high-flying emotions have ever driven you to eat, stay with me. I’ll show you a simple reset that’ll set you up to ditch stress eating once and for all! It’s a simple yet powerful technique that I recently learned from a self-development legend…
Let’s get to it now!
I bet that if you’re honest with yourself, you want more than to just stop stress and emotional eating.
Most of my readers (like you) are also into growth and self-development, looking for ways to be the best version of yourself. So give yourself credit–that’s an awesome thing!
Now, you’ve probably noticed that in the self-development community, “getting centered” is a common buzz phrase. Everyone talks about things like grounding yourself, connecting to yourself, and being present.
We love these techniques too here at Beating Binge Eating, and they’re part of what we teach (especially techniques to help you connect with your body!)
As powerful as centering is, there is another practice you don’t hear nearly as much about from all the gurus. It’s that thing that has to happen before being centered, grounded, or present is even possible.
It’s a step that we like to call RELEASE. And if you skip this step, it’s going to make “centering” a lot more difficult–and make that turning to food thing a lot harder to avoid!
So what is “release” all about?
It’s actually a simple idea, and that idea is this…
You need to LET GO of your negative emotions first. Literally release them from your body.
Let’s talk about the HOW of this practice now. And we’re going to do it with the help of a strategy I learned from the one and only Tony Robbins!
Last weekend I attended Tony Robbins’ virtual “Unleash the Power Within” seminar. I have to admit I wasn’t quite sure how powerful an online seminar would be…but he’s truly a master at what he does!
Turns out that not only did I play full-out, but I also discovered an awesomely empowering strategy. I learned an effective way to release my negative emotions. And in so doing, I created space for centering and grounding.
The coolest part of all was that this is done through a simple thing– the power of CHANGING YOUR STATE (aka: your body’s physiology).
A fancy way to say…move your body and as your body shifts your energy shifts too!
So how does it work? Here’s the short version…
We learned how your physiology determines the way that you approach the world and the way you experience life. The key to emotional release, then, comes from shifting your physical state.
Translation? Moving your body is step one to releasing the emotions that stress you out and hold you back!
So how did we learn to put this technique to use?
I don’t know exactly how everyone else in cyberspace did it. But I spent a lot of time jumping up and down in my living room. I pounded a lot of pillows. I screamed and shouted out loud.
Wouldn’t you know it, but when I was done it felt as though I’d literally ripped limiting beliefs out of my body!
The more you change your physical state, the easier it is to release those old emotions, beliefs, and habits that keep you stuck.
Here is how this relates to stopping a stress-induced emotional eat-a-ton…
If you expect to stop a binge in its tracks by being mindful, or being “present,” that’s fine. All these techniques are effective. But if you try to “center” when your body is clogged with heavy, toxic emotions, your success will be marginal at best.
The key is to clear the stressful and toxic emotions out of your body first. This will create the space for that grounding and centering practice.
Then you can actually get all the benefits of getting centered, present, and connected. That includes stopping a binge!
Here is a not-so-pretty but accurate metaphor…
Imagine eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks every day, day after day. Then suppose that you add in a few days of stressed-out eating, maybe even a binge or two on top of that. Now, let’s say that this pattern went on for days, and through it all, you never went to the bathroom.
You can imagine what would happen next. You’d feel clogged, sluggish, and uncomfortable, to say the least!
I know, it’s not the most pleasant thought. But let’s be real–if you don’t release the waste, it stays right where it is!
Now, think about this scenario…
Let’s say that your kids are getting on your last nerve. Or your boss is stressing you out. Maybe your partner is pushing all your buttons. Perhaps you had a triggering experience with a friend, a relative, or even on Social Media. Something might’ve happened that caused you trauma. Or brought up trauma from the past.
It could even be the stress of being on this planet in 2020. The discouraging news, the pandemic, the economy, the racial tensions–they’re all coming at us all, non-stop.
Whatever it is, any or all these things cause big-time stress. Emotions get high, and emotions are energy. This energy hits you, and it feels like it’s literally filling up your body with unhinged stress.
What happens when that stress gets into your body but has no way out?
Maybe you lash out at your partner for no reason. Or yell at your kids and end up feeling embarrassed. Maybe you rashly walk out of a job. Or you stay with a job you hate for years, silently stuffing more and more negative emotion.
These are also the moments you turn to food to make it all go away…and end up feeling far worse in the end!
Not only does stress eating not release your emotions, but it pushes them down even more. It leaves you with a serious case of “emotional constipation.” (not so pretty of a term but I bet you get the picture?!)
Think about it. You’re “clogged up” with all these negative emotions. They have nowhere to go, so they keep taking up more and more space. Then you take in more and more negativity, and with no way for it to escape.
You’re left with no room for positive emotion. There’s no space to connect with yourself.
Getting centered becomes a lot harder.
And stopping another emotional eating spree becomes a lot less likely.
BUT, if you release those toxic emotions first, getting centered becomes significantly easier. You create the space for connection and presence.
In other words, releasing those emotions first can help you stop a binge before it starts!
Now, let’s get practical about how to use this powerful technique.
If you’re feeling anxious and overwhelmed, before you attempt to go into a meditative happy place, stop. Take a moment to release those negative emotions by shifting your physical state.
It comes down to a simple concept: MOVE your body.
How do you make this happen? It’s really up to you!
Grab a pillow, put it in front of your face, and scream at the top of your lungs. Go to your car and make it a scream chamber. Punch a pillow. Put on your favorite song and have a dance party. Jump up and down, and MOVE. Whatever resonates with you!
As you move, let those emotions move through you–and RELEASE them.
Then, once you’ve got that energy out of your system, connect with yourself. And decide on that next best supportive action is for you in the moment.
This is how you set yourself up to slow down, be present, and connect with your body.
It’s the first step to actually being the best version of yourself!
So I’ve got an assignment for you! Here it is…
Set aside 5 minutes each day and do a proactive emotional release. Have it out and do what you gotta do.
Then, if you have a moment in your day when emotions get high, instead of reaching for a candy bar, PAUSE for a sec. Give yourself a chance to move, and release that emotion by changing your physical state.
This simple practice just might be a game-changer for you!
If you need any support in this area, we are here for you!
Click the image below where I’ve got a special gift for you! We call them, “Craving Cards”, and they’re one of our most popular tools!
If you ever feel night time cravings, sugar cravings, the urge to just say “screw it I’m going to start my diet over tomorrow”, or like you need a little body confidence pick me up…
Just grab a card, go through the prompts, and shift it instantly!
Click the image above and let me know where to send them!
You’ll also get mini demo video training sessions for each card where I share how to use the cards and some of my best tips for food freedom forever!
With our Craving Cards and Demo Series…
You’ll learn how to stop cravings in their tracks, feel confident, and get back your power, fast!
PS: Want the exact freedom and ease with our foods that myself and thousands of our clients get to experience?
In our Beating Binge Eating Blueprint (BBEB), I show you how to make this happen in just 8 weeks!
Many of our students have seen a DRASTIC difference in as little as a few days!
It’s our signature program, and up until recently, it was $3000 or more to join.
For now, you can get it as a part of our Food Freedom Collection for practically free by clicking the image below!
There is no catch…every resource I’ve created for food freedom and body confidence will land straight in your if you just click that image below and let me know where to send it!
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