Intuitive eating: what does that term really mean? And is it the secret to natural, lasting weight loss?
It’s not as mysterious or complicated as it might sound. All that “intuitive eating” means is rejecting the guilt-based old-school diet rules, and trading them for guidance from your body’s internal wisdom.
It’s that same innate awareness that you had as a baby. The guidance that told you when to eat and when to stop. And never hit you with a single pang of guilt about food.
So when it comes to it, intuitive eating is about aligning with your body, hearing its natural cues, and honoring them on a moment-to-moment basis.
If you use intuitive eating in the way that it was intended, it will help you reconnect with your body’s internal wisdom, make food choices based on your body’s needs, and release unwanted weight.
Of course, intuitive eating is simply a tool. And it’s an often misunderstood one at that. If you use it properly, it’s a beautiful and supportive practice. But without the proper awareness, it could potentially become another trigger to losing control with food.
So let’s talk about what intuitive eating is, what it’s NOT, and how you can avoid it’s pitfalls so that you can use it to love and support your body!
Intuitive eating is based on partnering with your body. It’s about getting in touch with your natural hunger and fullness cues in every moment. It helps you make conscious food choices that honor your body in every moment.
But it’s more than just eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full. It’s about rebuilding this connection with your body, re-aligning it with your mind and your spirit.
It’s about eating in ways that make you feel good. And yet at the same time giving yourself freedom and balance when making food choices.
In other words, intuitive eating is NOT just another set of rules. It’s a lifestyle that lets you live in the real world, be a human being, and honor yourself at the same time.
The best part is that the more freedom and balance you give yourself, the more empowered you feel. And the more that YOU are in charge of your body and your food, the more you achieve a flowing state of balance. (A side effect of which is releasing unwanted weight!).
Of course, as with every tool, it must be used properly. And there are a couple of points I want to make before I share the top 3 tips to bring this practice into your life.
Intuitive Eating for Weight Loss: Things You Need to Know
First, if you’re in a place where you’re just beginning to break free from binge and emotional eating, you might find yourself a bit vulnerable. The triggers often run a little bit deeper here, and it will take more time, patience, and self-love to let them go. Take your time. And when you’re ready, gradually work in this practice.
Second, for some of us, intuitive eating morphs into just another diet. I’ve seen many women reject the restrictive diet mentality only to trade it for the “rules” of intuitive eating.
For example, eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full seems easy enough. But what if you take that rule too literally, accidentally eat past the point of fullness, and go down that all-too-familiar spiral of regret?
That kind of guilt and shame is no better than what you put yourself through with a traditional diet. And it’s exactly what intuitive eating is intended to help you avoid.
So the bottom line is this: the idea of intuitive eating is simple, but sometimes you need to release a few old triggers before you put it to work for you. And the principles of intuitive eating aren’t meant to be another set of rules. They’re simply guidelines to follow as you build the connection with your body.
The goal is to become a normal and balanced eater who operates a place of body connection verus just operating from a set of rules in your head and not let occasional indulgences or sporadic overeating set you off.
Someone who feels good in their body, happy, and just like any other human being, sometimes overeats. Then she forgives herself, honors her body by returning to balance, and moves on with her life.
Make sense? I hope that I’ve given you the background you need to really “get” this practice.
Now I’ll share 3 simple ways to bring this practice into your life, and put it into action today!
Intuitive Eating for Weight Loss: In Three Steps
Number 1: Reject the diet mentality. We all know that diets don’t work. They send you into survival mode, make you obsess over food 24/7, and set you up to gain weight rather than lose it. That’s why getting rid of this outmoded mentality is priority number one.
Of course, if you’ve been stuck in the diet cycle for a while, letting go of the only bit of control you knew might be pretty scary. So be gentle with yourself. Acknowledge those fears. It’s the first step to letting those old diet paradigms go, once and for all.
Number 2: Partner with your body (rather than fighting it). So you’ve gotten comfortable in a space without rules. Now it’s time to make friends with your body once again! What does that mean in intuitive eating terms?
Instead of hitting yourself with the diet-based guilt of “what can’t I have,” ask yourself, “what do I GET to have?” So get out of your head, move into your body, and ask your body what it needs right NOW.
After a bit of practice with these first two steps, you’ll notice a shift. Those survival-based cravings slow down. And you find yourself naturally drawn to the foods that make you feel healthy, balanced, and alive. Which leads to the third and final step…
Number 3: Listening to your body’s natural cues. If you’ve been dieting for a while, your body’s natural cues often become muddled. But once you get into the swing of steps one and two, those messages eventually begin to resurface.
So take a proactive stance, and start getting to know your body’s natural cues. Maybe even jot down in a journal what inklings of hunger feel like for you. And I don’t mean those ravenous, “hangry” type outcries. I mean those gentle nudges that tell you’re getting hungry…that’s when it’s time to eat.
Now, the flip side is this: stop when you feel full. What does “full” mean? It means grounded. Content. Not stuffed, but very satisfied. Feeling that warm-bellied glow of happiness.
The beauty of intuitive eating is that if you use it as a guideline (instead of a rule), you’ll feel alive, mentally clear, and satisfied after your meals. Your body isn’t overtaxed by too much food nor is it stressed out by too little food.
Now, if you’ve been stuck on the diet hamster wheel for a while, this might seem like a radical step. It can be scary to let go of the control that you know so well for a new idea.
If you need any support in this area, we are here for you!
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