If you’ve ever missed out on an experience because of how you have felt about your body or being afraid to step out of your comfort zone, then this post is for you. I used to think I didn’t have time to travel, that I had to be exactly where I wanted to be physically to put on a bikini in front of others or have everything perfectly together to take off and experience life…I was so wrong.
Is Fear Holding You Back?
This past weekend I took a boat to another country, climbed a massive rust covered shipwreck (see pic) and jumped off into crystal blue waters, swam with sharks and fed stingrays, enjoyed a drink with loved ones on a private island sitting in powdered sand with the waves gently crashing over my legs, made incredible memories that I will cherish forever and so much more.
Want to know what parts of this would have been possible if I listened to my voice of fear? None of it.
There was a point where I was climbing up the vertical rust and barnacle covered wall of the shipwreck and I was shaking in fear. I was half way up, the current and waves were insane so jumping down would have meant I could have easily hit the sharp rusty and jagged edges that were below me. There was a tiny little hole for only one of my feet to fit in, and a rope hanging with knots in it. I can’t do a pull-up(working on it) so rope climbing was close to impossible. With bare feet, wet hands and my upper body was failing I felt like I didn’t have what I needed to make it and felt totally stuck.
“Imagine how good you will feel once you make it up to the top”
I looked up to my only other friend who was crazy enough to climb it and actually said “I can’t”. She said “Yes you can. I know it’s so scary, but imagine how good you will feel once you make it up to the top.”
I’m competitive as all hell and was determined like no other so, I kept going. I grabbed the rope and swung to a ledge where I could reach the top. Still shaking, I pulled myself up. The view from the top was absolutely breath-taking and so worth it.
I relate this experience and what my friend said to me to life. I had little to nothing to set me up for success, no idea what I was doing, and was scared out of my mind. All I had was a good mentor who did it before me to guide me, and my determination to make it.
Which means, I had enough.
Perfection or perfect circumstances never come. There is no final destination. You might as well get out there and LIVE in the process. What’s really cool about this is our brains are powerful things. If you begin living our life as you would if you were already “there” (to your goals) you begin to shift your vibration. As you shift your energy you’ll get a response…response from others, response in your body and response from the Universe. These responses are always exactly what you need.
How to radiate more confidence?
As you radiate more confidence and step into your power even if you aren’t at your ideal weight, you begin making healthier choices that support your happiness and getting to your ideal weight quicker.
There are so many special experiences I would’ve missed out on this past weekend if I let fear or fear-based thoughts about my body get the best of me. The key ingredient for fear fighting is love and action. Fear is dark, love is light. If you have fears, it’s ok. Acknowledge them, and then shine a little light there way. If you need some help, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’ve been there and would be happy to show you the way as my friend did for me.
In the video below I have a fabulous solution for overcoming your fears. I made this video a couple months ago but it is very fitting for this post, and the opportunity has just re-opened!
If you need any support in this area, we are here for you!
Click the image below where I’ve got a special gift for you! We call them, “Craving Cards”, and they’re one of our most popular tools!
If you ever feel night time cravings, sugar cravings, the urge to just say “screw it I’m going to start my diet over tomorrow”, or like you need a little body confidence pick me up…
Just grab a card, go through the prompts, and shift it instantly!
Click the image above and let me know where to send them!
You’ll also get mini demo video training sessions for each card where I share how to use the cards and some of my best tips for food freedom forever!
With our Craving Cards and Demo Series…
You’ll learn how to stop cravings in their tracks, feel confident, and get back your power, fast!
PS: Want the exact freedom and ease with our foods that myself and thousands of our clients get to experience?
In our Beating Binge Eating Blueprint (BBEB), I show you how to make this happen in just 8 weeks!
Many of our students have seen a DRASTIC difference in as little as a few days!
It’s our signature program, and up until recently, it was $3000 or more to join.
For now, you can get it as a part of our Food Freedom Collection for practically free by clicking the image below!
There is no catch…every resource I’ve created for food freedom and body confidence will land straight in your if you just click that image below and let me know where to send it!
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