Truth About Dieting Revealed: 6 Reasons Why Diets Suck (And What To Do Instead For Lasting Weight Loss)
I spent over a decade dieting. I tried every weight loss eating plan that came down the pike. I also experienced every single dieting pitfall there is. Trust me, not ONE of them is pretty.
Especially when the summer weather is coming, and you need to be “bikini ready.” What if dieting is the only way you know how to lose weight?
But then there’s the mental stress, the emotional strife, and the physical pain that goes along with dieting.
All this just to lose 5 pounds and look cuter by the pool? Is a diet really worth it?
Today we’re going to get real about what dieting is really like. Then I’ll let YOU decide it’s worth what dieting puts you through to get that “beach-ready body.”
Everything I’m about to share with you is pulled from my own experience, and also with helping 3000+ women through our programs…
Time and time again, no matter how much will-power or strength a person has, I always see these 6 unintended consequences of dieting (and don’t worry, at the end of this list I’ll show you a different option for lasting success)…
1- The early success leads to a big-time food focussed letdown. So you start a new diet. Just like that, you start seeing results. The scale says you’ve lost weight. The carb-cutting and the calorie counting must be doing the trick. Your excitement is soaring. Finally, you’re losing weight!
Then it happens. Before you know it, you’re thinking about food. ALL the time. All you can think about is what you can or can’t eat. Food becomes the only feature on a 24/7 brain loop, and food-focused thoughts consume your LIFE.
(and that leads you to MORE eating…the opposite of what you’re going for)
2- Cravings take on a whole new intensity. Before dieting, you occasionally wanted a candy bar or a pizza night. Then you started dieting, and your cravings went through the roof. Just like the food-focused thoughts taking over, the cravings go to a new intensity level.
(and that leads you to MORE eating…the opposite of what you’re going for)
3- You never feel satisfied. Back in my dieting days, I could eat a huge bag of popcorn all by myself. We’re talking about one of those oversized bags that was meant for four or five people to share. And I still never felt satisfied.
When I was trying to eat “healthy”…I could literally do a bag or two of frozen veggies and basically feel nothing.
Never really feeling full is another side effect of dieting. You could have a full belly, but never feel truly satisfied.
(and that leads you to MORE eating…the opposite of what you’re going for)
4- You become preoccupied with food. The longer you diet, the more food-focused thoughts solidify themselves in your brain. Food becomes your number one concern in life.
For me, it got to the point where I couldn’t go anywhere without worrying about food. When I got invited to a party or out to dinner with friends, I worried about what food there’d be. I panicked over whether or not it was “OK” according to my latest diet.
I thought about how what I ate would impact my body. Even worse, I was terrified that if I stepped out of line once, I’d “undo” all of my weight loss progress.
(and that leads you to MORE eating…the opposite of what you’re going for)
5- “Cheat meals” become a regular thing. You restrict your food for six days and indulge once a week. That’s the idea behind “cheat meals.”
But for me, once I started “cheating,” I couldn’t stop. Instead of once a week, it was more like once a day. (AND of course with the whole, “I’ll start over tomorrow” idea, too…)
(and that leads you to MORE eating…the opposite of what you’re going for)
6- The unbearable food hangovers that follow. When the cheat meals turn into regular binging, the side effects alone are harrowing. There’s the brain fog, the guilt, and the shame.
Then there’s the green juices, the lemon water, and the double workouts at the gym in hopes of “undoing” the damage. (Not that they ever really work, anyway!)
Now, here’s the thing. ALL these nasty side effects don’t happen because you’re a binge eater. They happen because you’re a dieter.
Dieting sets you up for binging. The more you try to control your food, the more it sets you up to lose control with food.
The more you diet, the more you create this pattern of diet, overeat, repeat. The more you repeat this pattern, the more ingrained it becomes in your body and brain.
Sooner or later, this diet-binge cycle starts to feel like part of who you are.
This is definitely NOT true. Binge eating is not who you truly are. But the pattern that you create through these repeating behavior patterns sure makes it feel that way.
Then, you add in the physiological side effects of the diet-binge train.
It starts to slow down your metabolism, so when you do gain weight, it stays on longer. When you quit a diet, you gain the weight back faster. You lose muscle mass. You lose mental clarity. It negatively affects your digestion, making it harder to get the nutrients out of your food.
Long story short, dieting actually makes long-term, lasting weight loss next to impossible. That begs the question we asked in the beginning…
Is dieting really WORTH IT?
Is it worth all the pain just to have a slightly less bloated face in your next Instagram selfie?
Hell NO. How about you?
I used to believe that freedom from binge eating was merely not binging. Then I got real about everything I was doing to NOT binge, and it all came down to one thing. Dieting.
And dieting was nothing short of freaking miserable.
The harder I tried to control my food, the more I lost all control. Food consumed my life. It made my struggle with binge eating 10 times worse.
Most of all, dieting didn’t even work!
I came to the ultimate conclusion. The real answer wasn’t just not binging. It wasn’t dieting for a while until I got the “summer body.”
The solution was to stop binge eating and never have to diet again.
Eventually, I discovered that the key was partnering with my body, and taking care of myself.
After true self-care became my goal, everything shifted!
What if you could achieve genuine, lasting, loving weight loss another way?
Sure, it might take a little more time. Partnering with your body and taking care of yourself isn’t necessarily as sexy as the sure-fire, lose weight now juice cleanses or low-carb diets.
But it DOES lead to long-term, lasting food freedom.
No more dieting, no more controlling your food, and no more unintended consequences. Imagine what that would be like!
My PSA for you today is to stay away from dieting. Choose to heal your relationship with food instead. Choose to partner with your body. Go on a quest to take care of and nourish yourself instead of losing a fast 5 pounds for bikini season.
So the next time you’re considering a crash diet for bikini season, an upcoming trip, to fit into a bridesmaid’s dress, or whatever that may be, pause. Then ask yourself if the diet is really worth the stress.
Finding true freedom from the struggle with food was the key for me. It has been for the thousands of women we’ve helped at Beating Binge eating as well.
I want you to experience this kind of freedom too!
So if you’ve decided that the good old fashioned dieting just isn’t worth it anymore, but you don’t know what to do instead, we’ve got you!
Click the image below where I’ve got a special gift for you! We call them, “Craving Cards”, and they’re one of our most popular tools!
If you ever feel night time cravings, sugar cravings, the urge to just say “screw it I’m going to start my diet over tomorrow”, or like you need a little body confidence pick me up…
Just grab a card, go through the prompts, and shift it instantly!
Click the image above and let me know where to send them!
You’ll also get mini demo video training sessions for each card where I share how to use the cards and some of my best tips for food freedom forever!
With our Craving Cards and Demo Series…
You’ll learn how to stop cravings in their tracks, feel confident, and get back your power, fast!
PS: Want the exact freedom and ease with our foods that myself and thousands of our clients get to experience?
In our Beating Binge Eating Blueprint (BBEB), I show you how to make this happen in just 8 weeks!
Many of our students have seen a DRASTIC difference in as little as a few days!
It’s our signature program, and up until recently, it was $3000 or more to join.
For now, you can get it as a part of our Food Freedom Collection for practically free by clicking the image below!
There is no catch…every resource I’ve created for food freedom and body confidence will land straight in your if you just click that image below and let me know where to send it!
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