Can’t get food off your mind? Craving peace and ease with yourself and your plate but don’t know how to get there? Then you’ll LOVE what I have to share with you today!
I had the privilege of interviewing Megan and I know you will find what she has to say SO INSPIRATIONAL (and also learn actionable tools and perspective shifts to break free from your struggle with your body and food by listening).
If Megan wasn’t binge eating she was trying to control her food, and she rode that roller coaster trying all kinds of diets, therapy, and support to break free with a lot of growth but little actual success in finding freedom.
With the perspective shifts she shares in this interview she was able finally find a level of peace and freedom with her food that she never thought possible and GET COMPLETELY RID OF FOOD FOCUSSED THOUGHTS…yesssss!!!!
AND Megan shares a really inspirational story that I know will light you up, restore your faith in yourself, and reassure you that freedom is possible!
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