The struggle is real. At least that’s what everyone says these days…
But when it comes to binge and emotional eating, that struggle you hear so much about might actually be more than real. It might be actually be something of a comfort.
Believe it or not, sometimes even painful patterns have certain perks. Sometimes there are unlikely emotional rewards for staying stuck and playing small. And more often than not, those rewards are well under the radar.
We all say that we want freedom with food and ease in our bodies. Sometimes people even take the time and learn the steps to heal themselves. But then at the end of the day, for some reason, they don’t take action. And opt for “business as usual” with binge eating.
So what does this mean? Is there a legit upside to staying in a painful trap when you have an escape route?
Here’s the thing. You’re human. We all are. And sometimes, humans get in their own way.
Limiting beliefs and fears can lead to self-sabotage, no matter how desperate you are to be free of a painful circumstance.
Why? Because sometimes even the most nightmarish situations have their rewards. And binge eating is no exception.
Believe it or not, there’s a secret emotional payoff to binge eating, one that you don’t hear too much about. And I’m shining a bright flashlight on this little-known truth for you today.
It’s time to take the blinders off and let go of the false sense of security that binge eating provides. There is a clearer path to happiness, and we’re going to take the first step today!
Let’s talk about the emotional perks that might be keeping you in a self-destructive cycle. We’ll dive into the limiting beliefs and unspoken payoffs that hold you hostage, and trade them in for the freedom that you truly crave by watching the video below!
Your mind can play some crazy tricks on you, and limiting beliefs are among the sneakiest.
Over the years, I’ve found three recurring limiting beliefs that hold people in the throes of binge eating. These are beliefs that I’ve seen not only in my clients but also in myself, so I know them well.
Let’s look at the top three disempowering ideas, why they come up, and how they lead directly into the “benefits” of staying stuck.
Number One: Binge eating makes me feel safe. Sure, that sounds absurd. Why would destructive actions make anyone feel safe? Because even though binge eating can be scary, it might be a welcome distraction to something even more terrifying.
For example, let’s say you were devastated in a romantic relationship. The association becomes quickly kicks in: dating equals pain, so stay away from the search for love.
What does that have to do with overindulgence with food?
Many women refuse to pursue romantic relationships when they’re feeling out of control with food. That is, no body confidence, no dating. So if you’re in a cycle of binge eating, you have a reason to say “no” a date or sign off of
See what’s happening here? Binge eating is actually “protecting” you from taking a chance and putting yourself out there. And just like that, a destructive pattern morphs into a safe haven.
Reason #2: Fear of what life would be like without binge eating. Binging might be destructive, but for many of us, at least it’s familiar. And we humans often take nearly any form of punishment over any kind of uncertainty.
After all, it’s easier to cling to an old identity (like “I’m a binge eater”) than it is to embrace a new possibility. Think about it for a moment. What if that binge-restrict-repeat cycle didn’t rule your life?
Maybe you’d find the courage to leave an unhealthy relationship. You might decide to quit that soul-sucking job and go after your dream. You just might feel confident enough to stand up for yourself in all areas of your life.
But as with any uncertainty, there’s a chance that you might fail. And all too often, the comfort zone wins out, no matter how detrimental that “comfort” actually is.
Reason #3: Lack of Self-Belief (AKA “Low Self-Efficacy”) Everyone tells you to “believe in yourself.” But no matter how often that gurus, teachers, and quote boxes share this message, far too many of us don’t believe we can make any dream come true.
We’re talking a serious case of low-self efficacy. That is, NOT believing in yourself, and not even bothering going for that dream.
How does this relate to binge eating?
Some of us harbor beliefs like, “I’m a food addict,” or “I’ll never be free of food. I’ll always have to fight my body.”
If you show up at the starting line convinced that you’ve already lost, you can imagine where that gets you. So if your repeated thoughts focus on how stuck you are, how much pain you’re in, and how hopeless it is, that self-fulfilling prophecy will do just that. Fulfill itself.
Now that we’ve covered the limiting beliefs that support the patterns, what about the results? Where does this alleged emotional payoff enter into the picture?
Let’s consider the positive reinforcements that accompany the limiting beliefs.
Number One: Binge eating frees you from facing your life. When I used to binge on the regular, I admit that there were a few ulterior motives. Binge eating was often the distraction that helped me avoid the big questions in my life.
I dove into food when I felt stressed, uncertain, or overwhelmed about anything. It was easier to go for a bag of chips when I felt scared, insecure, or lonely than it was to get to the heart of the matter.
So binge eating became a regular escape from my own life, a way of avoiding the real issues and answers.
Number Two: Binge eating feels exciting (and a little bit dangerous). This one might sound a little weird. But think about it–binge eating can give you a little adrenaline rush. It can make you feel like a rebel, providing a momentary thrill of a daring stunt.
After all, it’s “bad” for you. It feel a little dangerous, even. And provide just enough of a hit of excitement that you come back for more.
What’s the common denominator with both situations?
Both of these payoffs fill a need. They provide a substitute for connection, fulfillment, peace, excitement, or anything you might be missing in life.
In other words, sometimes binge eating fulfills a need that you might not know you have. And when it comes to needs, your mind, body, and emotions can often get to the desperate stage at the drop of a hat.
At that moment, the quick fix is often easier than the long-term solution. And one of the quickest fixes of all? Food, of course!
For example, if you’re feeling lonely and yearning for connection, sometimes it’s easier to reach for food than to ask what’s behind the emotional chaos.
But then that begs the question–does binge eating really fill the bill, or is it just a momentary distraction?
You might get a short-lived hit of dopamine from a round of binge eating. But those momentary highs usually last about 30 seconds or less. It shows up fast and departs as quickly as it came.
And just like that, you’re back to feeling as empty as you were before AND dealing with those nasty post-binge side effects.
With binge eating, the payoff is small for the price you pay. And there are multiple ways to ensure that your needs are met in a more lasting and loving way.
The key here is to determine if binge eating fills an emptiness in your life. It’s being brave enough to ask yourself what is really missing. And from there, choosing to fill those empty spaces with something more supportive than an endless bag of chips.
I know, these ideas might sound a little bit out there. Maybe even totally irrational. Your logical brain might be wondering if limiting beliefs and emotional payoffs are even a real thing.
Then again, you might be reading this, nodding your head, and knowing these mental and emotional sand-traps all too well.
If you’re using binge eating to fulfill a multitude of gaps in your life, I get it. I’ve been there myself. And I want you to know that we at Beating Binge Eating have got your back!
We can help you uncover limiting beliefs, let them go for good, and recognize where you might be substituting binge eating for genuine fulfillment. And we can help you take the steps to free yourself from these traps for good!
Click the image below where I’ve got a special gift for you! We call them, “Craving Cards”, and they’re one of our most popular tools!
If you ever feel night time cravings, sugar cravings, the urge to just say “screw it I’m going to start my diet over tomorrow”, or like you need a little body confidence pick me up…
Just grab a card, go through the prompts, and shift it instantly
Click the image above and let me know where to send them!
You’ll also get mini demo video training sessions for each card where I share how to use the cards and some of my best tips for food freedom forever!
With our Craving Cards and Demo Series…
You’ll learn how to stop cravings in their tracks, feel confident, and get back your power, fast!
PS: Want the exact freedom and ease with our foods that myself and thousands of our clients get to experience?
In our Beating Binge Eating Blueprint (BBEB), I show you how to make this happen in just 8 weeks!
Many of our students have seen a DRASTIC difference in as little as a few days!
It’s our signature program, and up until recently, it was $3000 or more to join.
For now, you can get it as a part of our Food Freedom Collection for practically free by clicking the image below!
There is no catch…every resource I’ve created for food freedom and body confidence will land straight in your if you just click that image below and let me know where to send it!
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