The Most Important Choice You Can Make To Stop Binge and Emotional Eating (This Might Surprise You!)
Do you agree that every day you have the chance to choose your next step in all the things?
I bet you’ve noticed that some choices support you a lot more than others, though, especially in the long run.
Are you then making the right choice to break free from binge and emotional eating — and in a way that actually lasts and makes you feel empowered?
If you want to break free from your food struggle for good, there is one important choice that can change your life.
It’s a fork in the road that has two paths–and only one of them will ultimately get you to food freedom.
Sounds like the high stakes, doesn’t it?
But the cool part is that you can make this choice. You can get consistent about it. And the more often you make this choice, the easier it gets to keep making it–and eventually get the lasting results!
So what is this high-impact decision, and how do you make it often enough to break the binge and emotional eating cycle for good? The answer might surprise you…
Read on and find out all about it!
Before I share this monumental choice, let’s talk about something that directly relates to it. That would be your capacity for self-trust. Here is what I mean by that…
Let’s say that like so many of us, you’ve been dieting for years. That means sticking to the rules, and making hard and fast promises that you will eat this, but not that. (Sounds familiar, right?)
So you promise yourself that you’ll resist that bread or you won’t eat those cookies. You’ll stick to the diet, no matter what. BUT…not only do you usually end up eating the bread or the cookies (or both), but you also end up feeling defeated.
What’s even worse is, the longer this repetitive pattern goes on, the less your brain & body trust you to follow through on your word.
I’m not saying that this makes you a weak-willed person. But when this cycle continues, your brain naturally is going to make the only logical conclusion.
You doubt your ability to follow through or make supportive food choices. What happens next?
This when you likely turn to an external authority to tell you what’s right for you to eat.
(Because after all, if you can’t do it alone, you need something or someone to force you into doing the right thing…right?)
What kids of “external authorities” are we talking about? Here are a few examples you might’ve tried yourself…
Maybe you go all-in with the diet advice of an Instagram fitness model. Or you dive into a hardcore workout program. You might decide you’ve got to go to Keto. Or Paleo. Or join Weight Watchers…
We’re talking about those traditional food control methods that people turn to when they lose trust in themselves.
Don’t get me wrong – some of these strategies do include some supportive ideas. But when you really get into them, you’ll find that most of them are based on rigid constructs (especially with food).
In the end, these traditional go-tos usually do more harm than good.
Now, what about this all-important choice I was talking about at the beginning? Let’s get into that now, using a familiar story for so many dieters.
Say you were doing great on a diet, then the scale says you gained a pound, and you freak out. Or maybe you had an unintended binge incident, and it has left you feeling bloated and miserable–and desperate to feel normal again.
You want to stop feeling the physical pain, the guilt, and the defeatedness, and like, NOW. At this point, there are typically two choices.
You can make an internally-directed, supportive choice. OR you can choose external control.
This is the point when most of us choose control. Because honestly, control usually feels a lot safer.
Afraid of gaining weight? You choose a diet. Overate last night? Go on a fast to make up for it. Going to a party tonight? Be sure to “save your calories” in case you lose control with the appetizers.
In the name of fear, uncertainty, and lack of faith in your ability to make a supportive decision, you choose an outside authority to tell you what to do.
Believe me, you’re not the only one who has ever felt this way! And let’s face it. Sometimes those external control actions actually feel pretty good at first.
A fast, green juice or a new diet can give you some instant relief from that bloated feeling. Sweating it out at the gym can feel like a reset after an overeating incident. Sometimes the quick-fix feels like a real fix.
Now, I’m not necessarily saying these strategies are bad in and of themselves. But the problem comes in when they are applied in a restrictive way.
Allow me to explain this a little in depth…
The control can provide instant relief. But is it a permanent solution? Do you stay binge-free after a juice fast or a punishing workout, or is it just a band-aid?
The truth is that the binge urges usually come back. The overeating shows up again. Eventually, you find yourself back to square one, facing binging and emotional eating all over again.
And once again, you choose the quick fix in a desperate moment, and the cycle rages on…
That is one path to the fork in the road. But there IS another option, too! This path is the one far less traveled. It’s the path of the supportive choice.
By supportive, I mean supportive not only for your physical well-being but also for your mental and emotional well-being. Even your spiritual well-being!
So what does this choice entail? It means making a self-connected decision versus an externally dictated one. It’s taking action based on how you want to feel, as opposed to doing what a diet guru tells you to do.
Now, a supportive choice doesn’t necessarily mean going for “clean eating.” It’s not about choosing broccoli over pizza for the sake of “healthy.” It’s much more than that!
It’s checking in with yourself and making a decision to nourish yourself rather than punish yourself.
You may have no idea what this would even look like for you. What is a supportive choice, and how do you make one for yourself? It’s actually simpler than it sounds. It comes down to asking yourself one significant question…
How do I want to feel, and what will support me in feeling that way?
Look at a real-life example of how this works…
Let’s say you had an unexpected eat-a-thon last night. You’re feeling bloated, miserable, and desperate to feel better. What would you do?
The old-school, control-based choice might be skipping breakfast to make up for the night before. But the supportive choice would be to be kind to yourself. Connect to yourself and your body. Then decide what would make you feel the way you want to feel right NOW.
You might discover that a nourishing meal might support you a lot more than a random juice cleanse!
The bottom line is this. To make a supportive choice, do the smallest doable thing you can do to honor your needs in every moment.
Choose the next best step to support yourself in how you want to feel. Not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally.
This is where the self-trust thing comes back into the picture. Try it for yourself.
The more often you choose the supportive path, the more you build trust with your brain and body. Eventually, they will stop with the survival-based binge triggers. Why?
Because your brain and body will finally trust you to take care of them. And it gets better, too…
The more consistently you build trust with your brain, body, and food, the more self-trust will build in every area of your life!
I get that this whole “self-trust” thing takes time, especially if dieting has been a way of life for you. But rest assured, I don’t expect you to go from hardcore binging to total body trust overnight!
We at Beating Binge Eating know that it takes time, patience, and practice to create new patterns. That’s why we are sharing an opportunity to get the support you need to make these changes.
Click the image below where I’ve got a special gift for you! We call them, “Craving Cards”, and they’re one of our most popular tools!
If you ever feel night time cravings, sugar cravings, the urge to just say “screw it I’m going to start my diet over tomorrow”, or like you need a little body confidence pick me up…
Just grab a card, go through the prompts, and shift it instantly!
Click the image above and let me know where to send them!
You’ll also get mini demo video training sessions for each card where I share how to use the cards and some of my best tips for food freedom forever!
With our Craving Cards and Demo Series…
You’ll learn how to stop cravings in their tracks, feel confident, and get back your power, fast!
PS: Want the exact freedom and ease with our foods that myself and thousands of our clients get to experience?
In our Beating Binge Eating Blueprint (BBEB), I show you how to make this happen in just 8 weeks!
Many of our students have seen a DRASTIC difference in as little as a few days!
It’s our signature program, and up until recently, it was $3000 or more to join.
For now, you can get it as a part of our Food Freedom Collection for practically free by clicking the image below!
There is no catch…every resource I’ve created for food freedom and body confidence will land straight in your if you just click that image below and let me know where to send it!
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