I’ve got a controversial topic for you today. And I can safely say that there are some experts out there won’t like my take on this one…
But I also believe that everyone who has ever struggled with binge or emotional eating or compulsive overeating – needs to hear it.
What I’m about to share can help set you free from addictive patterns with food, once and for all. But it will also help you understand what those patterns are all about…and what they’re NOT about.
Now, if you’re here, you’re probably feeling out of control with your food. And most likely, you’re seeking answers beyond what you might’ve learned so far…
Maybe you believe that you’re food-addicted because a well-meaning professional told you that you were.
Maybe you believe that you don’t have the willpower to avoid certain “bad” foods, therefore you must be addicted to them.
Which, also could lead you to asking…
Why can other people people have it easy with food and I can’t?
Am I broken?
How do I fix myself?
Today I’m going to debunk these lies that make you believe that once and for all.
To start, no matter how out of control you’re feeling please know this:
- You’re not “addicted” to food no matter what you’ve been told (I share what gives me grounds to say this below)
- Food is NOT a will power problem and forcing yourself to abstain from certain types of food is NOT the answer (in fact it makes things worse)
- You’re not broken because you struggle – there is nothing wrong with you and anyone who tells you there is – is wrong.
- You don’t need to fix yourself to fix your relationship with food.
If you’re feeling out of control with food, it only means is that there are patterns in your brain that are working against you and the methods you’ve been using to stop are most likely making things worse and working against your physiology.
These “patterns” become automatic and make you think about food and go after food on auto-pilot, but the good news is – they can be shifted and reprogrammed so ease with your food becomes automatic and second nature!
You’re not stuck with “food addiction” or a “disorder” for the rest of your life.
But where did this idea of food addiction come from in the first place, and why is it so widely believed? And how to you break free from these patterns that feel like food addiction once and for all…Let’s get into that here!
Now, here’s the thing: some of principles behind the food addiction theory do make scientific sense. I’m not here to deny or discredit any of that. (After all, I’m a big fan of neuroscience and science in general, and there is a lot of that in the food addiction theory!)
But at what point does the theory veer off track and ultimately do more harm than good? Let’s break it down and see how it works….
Imagine a switch in your brain that is responsible for your survival instincts. And when that switch is ON, the effects are intense.
We’re talking autopilot eating and constant thoughts about food. All powerful cravings that lead to patterned behaviors, and chemical rewards from your brain that solidify these patterns.
In other words, your brain is invested in making you eat, which on the outside can look a lot like an addiction to food.
And what is the default cure for most addictions? Abstinence. Telling yourself NO and restricting whatever it is you think is causing said addiction.
Now, according to the food addiction theory, it’s the “forbidden” food that triggers people
Not exactly.
Now, I’m not denying that certain foods can induce overeating. Sugar, certain types of processed foods, and many types of food additives can induce chemical responses in the brain that one can crave.
However, restricting those “bad” foods in hopes of avoiding overeating will ultimately backfire. Because the more you tell yourself NO, the more you’ll become consumed with the idea of consuming those forbidden foods.
In other words, it’s the restriction and control OF certain foods that sets off that switch I mentioned earlier. Not necessarily the food itself.
So through abstinence it creates more food focus, more eating on autopilot, more cravings…all things that can look a lot like addiction.
THEN the double-whammy comes in…
When you sternly tell yourself that you can’t eat this or that, there’s also the shame, judgment, and criticism that goes along with it the control. Throw in a bit of mental and emotional restriction on top of that, and you’ll be triggered to eat even more.
I believe that it’s the restriction in the first place that causes behavior that looks like food addiction, and then the solution that “experts” push actually creates more behavior that looks like addiction.
Which ultimately leads to the conclusion that you have a “food addiction.” And with that, you become a disorder. You’re branded for life, you have a disease, and you need fixing.
(according to some – I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS – anything that leaves you feeling disempowered or broken has no place here)
Believe it or not, there IS an alternative to this chaos. You don’t have to stay stuck under the thumb of a label. You start breaking free right now, in fact!
The the pathway to freedom does not involve avoiding foods that you think are causing an addiction. It’s about rewiring your brain to see food in an whole new way.
Think of it like this: if your brain responds the way it does to extreme control, how would it respond to absolute freedom? That is, how would it behave if it knew you could have anything you want in any quantity at any time?
That mystical pull towards forbidden foods eventually disappears. And before you know it, you have that freedom from food that you desire.
So what is the ultimate answer to this supposed “food addiction?” How do you take back your power, let go of a label, and find freedom and ease with your food?
The solution isn’t more control, restriction, or shame. It’s rewiring your brain to stop pulling you toward food. It’s flipping that binge/survival switch in your brain to the OFF position, once and for all.
It comes down to two key steps…
First, flipping that binge/survival switch to the OFF position.
Second, breaking those patterns in the brain that are driving your autopilot eating.
How is that done? By creating a new path in your brain, and using that new pattern consistently until the old one dies off.
Brain Science 101 – What I Mean By “Creating a Pathway of Freedom in the Brain”
Imagine you’ve been walking the same path across a grassy field forever. The path is carved, it’s easy to walk. Right now that path in your brain is binge and emotional eating.
Now let’s say you decide to take a new path, and the more that you use that new path, the more that the grass grows over the old path. (In fact, in the world of brain science and neuroplasticity, this phenomenon is called “pruning,” just like in gardening – the brain gets rid of pathways it doesn’t use!)
Pretty soon the new path becomes the path of least resistance… This can be a new path that leads you away from binge and emotional eating and toward freedom and ease with your food.
Now, just to be clear, I’m not telling you to eat sugar, fats, gluten, and other forbidden foods all the time and in vast quantities just because you can.
But on this new path, you can have a cookie without eating the whole bag. You can have a piece of candy without finishing the bag in one sitting.
Best of all, when you let go of restrictions and listen to your body, you’ll likely be drawn to the foods that make you feel alive, healthy, and powerful just by default.
You don’t have to white-knuckle your way through your food choices, paranoid that you’re going to choose the wrong meal and set off an addiction. You don’t have to shun certain foods until the end of time, either.
You and I both know that this is not a sustainable path in the long run, right?
Most of all, you don’t have to label yourself a food addict. Because contrary to what a well-meaning professional might’ve told you, no particular food is the real issue.
Now, what I’m saying might sound controversial, it isn’t based on my own radical opinions. It actually comes from legitimate studies of the brain, the science of behavior, and psychology.
And not only are these ideas rooted in science, but also in practical experiences.
Experiences in breaking away from what some might call “food addiction” myself. And experience in helping thousands of women liberate themselves, too.
Closing Thoughts for You
You don’t have to buy into anything that makes you feel less than the amazing human that you are. And that includes saddling yourself with the “food addiction” label.
You are not a condition. You are not a disorder. You are a sovereign being with the power to experience Food Freedom Forever. And if you’re feeling that there’s a wall between you and your freedom, you can take it down one brick at a time!
Don’t put a supposed condition in charge of your life. You can take back your power, starting right now!
If you need any support in this area, we are here for you!
Click the image below where I’ve got a special gift for you! We call them, “Craving Cards”, and they’re one of our most popular tools!
If you ever feel night time cravings, sugar cravings, the urge to just say “screw it I’m going to start my diet over tomorrow”, or like you need a little body confidence pick me up…
Just grab a card, go through the prompts, and shift it instantly!
Click the image above and let me know where to send them!
You’ll also get mini demo video training sessions for each card where I share how to use the cards and some of my best tips for food freedom forever!
With our Craving Cards and Demo Series…
You’ll learn how to stop cravings in their tracks, feel confident, and get back your power, fast!
PS: Want the exact freedom and ease with our foods that myself and thousands of our clients get to experience?
In our Beating Binge Eating Blueprint (BBEB), I show you how to make this happen in just 8 weeks!
Many of our students have seen a DRASTIC difference in as little as a few days!
It’s our signature program, and up until recently, it was $3000 or more to join.
For now, you can get it as a part of our Food Freedom Collection for practically free by clicking the image below!
There is no catch…every resource I’ve created for food freedom and body confidence will land straight in your if you just click that image below and let me know where to send it!
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