Ahhh take me back to that pool! I’m just returning from Greece and I have to say, it is quite possibly the most remarkable place on earth! I’m sure there will be more dedicated to that in a later post, but for now I have to share my findings from this incredible trip with you. I know if you stumbled on this page, you’ve probably struggled with your weight at one point, or continue to struggle, and are looking for the best way to lose it. So, here we go!
What you will find here are principles to operate from that will guarantee your weight loss success (long term – not the quick drop and regain that you might be used to). These principles are proven constantly in my life, in my client’s lives, and were recently proved on my vacation. Allow me to explain…
I’m always testing my theories. Out of curiosity, I stepped on the scale when I returned from vacation not knowing what to expect. The results: After 2 weeks of no work outs, pita bread and delicious treats in Greece, airport delays, missing flights, airport food, lack of sleep in transit, flying straight to the states for time with the family in Georgia in the mountains centered around s’mores and snacks, and a ton of other things completely different than the structure I’m used to, I come back 2 pounds lighter without trying…what gives?
You have to imagine this was quite shocking, I mean I felt great upon my return but in the past I was used to the obligatory 10+ pound weight gain from just a short weekend of travel, spawned by my old ways of restrictive dieting and “eat and drink everything you’re on vacation” mentality. This time it was so different.
Even though I feel “healed” from my struggles with binge, emotional and over eating that I suffered with years ago, I still love when I see concrete proof and a reminder of “wow, freedom really is possible.”
Of course, I want this freedom for you too! Adopt these principles below and you can have it!
What I did that worked…
1) When I could, I ate foods that I knew would nourish me and make me feel great. Breakfast was easy, fresh fruit was always an option and so was a vegetable stuffed omelette. I knew if I started my day with a good solid foundation and a ton of nutrients, I’d have energy. Plus I knew it’d help balance out any wine or indulgences from the night before. I’m not talking about “making up” for them with restriction, I’m talking about the “hey I woke up feeling a little groggy what can I put in my body to make me feel good?”
No matter what I had for dinner, I always ordered a side Greek salad (raw cucumbers, tomatoes, olive oil). I knew if I could at least get some raw and healthy goodness in, even in the mix of whatever else I was eating, that would help balance out my body. I did this to feel really good, as I wanted to enjoy the trip as much as possible without food or alcohol getting in the way.
2) When I wanted to enjoy something regardless of labeling (“healthy” vs “unhealthy”), I was present and really enjoyed it. I checked in with my internal guidance system to make all my choices. I had mousakka, gelato, baklava, chicken souvlaki, pita bread, chocolate, an abnormal about of tzatziki, and I didn’t feel guilty about any of it. To me, nothing was off limits so I got to really take pleasure in eating it. What’s really cool about this is when nothing is off limits, you really just eat what you want and then stop when you’re full.
My boyfriend is not a healthy eater, if you’re reading this, sorry babe. This can be tough at times, but as I make these principles habit and learn to listen to my own body, it’s really not. Sometimes what he was having looked good, sometimes it didn’t. Sometimes I had it, sometimes I had my own, sometimes I didn’t.
There was no eating because the food was there, or eating because I felt like I could never have it again. Being slow and present during meal time also has the added benefit of reducing the stress response in my body (a great tip for weight loss that beats the best diet) and also allowed me to really register the eating experience in my brain. When you rush through a meal with your attention everywhere but your food, you don’t even realize you ate! This typically will leave you wanting more.
3) I ate high quality food. The food was local and freshly made with minimal ingredients. This doesn’t mean it was low fat or low carb, dairy free, gluten free or anything of the sort(I can assure you olive oil and tzatziki covered pita bread and vegetables are neither of those), but there were no chemicals, hormones, or ingredients I couldn’t pronounce in anything I ate. Regardless of the content, all of the food we ate could be easily broken down and assimilated by our bodies.
4) I drank a lot of water, a lot. If you’re not doing this, you’re shorting your body, mind and weight loss success big time.
5) I didn’t drink a ton of alcohol. I focused on feeling great, I did not want to ruin waking up to the incredible view or experience with a hangover. One night I had 3 drinks, all of the others were a glass of wine, or maybe none at all. I’m really beginning to see how much better life is when you’re fully present to experience it.
6) I slept at least 7-8 hours each night, and I listened to my body on one of the days that we really needed rest. Fat burns during sleep and cravings are reduced the more rested and restored your body is. I didn’t think about this once though, once again the focus was on: listening to my body and feeling good.
7) I immersed myself in the culture, experience, nature, connecting, and adventure regardless of how I felt in my bikini. Food was great way to experience the culture, but by default of enjoying my time there, food wasn’t the main focus. This also kept me active and up and about a lot. Yes, there were times where I didn’t feel my best physically, but I wasn’t about to let that stand in my way of enjoying my life.
8) I was present. Probably more present than I have ever been in my entire life. I tried using the time in the magical island of Santorini for dreaming, creating and planning for the blog/business and I couldn’t. I literally was sucked back into total presence and it was amazing. If you binge or over eat, really look here. I can almost bet that presence is a major component that’s missing.
Not one of the above, came from trying to control my weight. They all came from self love and a love for life. As it turns out, and is proven to me time and time again, the best diet for weight loss is not really a diet at all. It’s a frame work to operate from that is rooted in self-love and support for your body. If you struggle with this at all, join us here for support…
Weight Loss Success Principles (what I learned translated into every day life)…
1) When possible, eat nourishing living foods that make you feel really great.
2) Enjoy your food! Check in with your internal guidance system and really assess what type of food you want. Regardless of what you choose, slow down, be present and let yourself enjoy it without guilt or shame. If you’re really listening here, more often times than not your guidance system is going to tell you to go with the foods that make you feel good, and also help you stop when you don’t need anymore aka you’re full. Oh, and if you want the dessert every now and then, have it and enjoy every last bite!
3) Eat high quality food, produced by the earth and not in a factory, made with real ingredients, whenever possible.
4) Drink lots of water.
5) Listen to your body, sleep and rest when needed.
6) Find fun ways to enjoy and experience life without needing a huge buzz to do it.
7) GET OUT THERE AND LIVE regardless of the fear that comes up… food will become less important, I promise. (Bonus: any activity is better than sitting)
8) Find ways to stay present! Time outdoors in nature, movement and meditation are a great way to do this.
Success does not have to be so hard! The lasting weight loss success paradigm is shifting. It truly is less about fighting your body into submission and more about listening and supporting your body to release the weight and be healthy and happy.
If you need any support in this area, we are here for you!
Click the image below where I’ve got a special gift for you! We call them, “Craving Cards”, and they’re one of our most popular tools!
If you ever feel night time cravings, sugar cravings, the urge to just say “screw it I’m going to start my diet over tomorrow”, or like you need a little body confidence pick me up…
Just grab a card, go through the prompts, and shift it instantly!
Click the image above and let me know where to send them!
You’ll also get mini demo video training sessions for each card where I share how to use the cards and some of my best tips for food freedom forever!
With our Craving Cards and Demo Series…
You’ll learn how to stop cravings in their tracks, feel confident, and get back your power, fast!
PS: Want the exact freedom and ease with our foods that myself and thousands of our clients get to experience?
In our Beating Binge Eating Blueprint (BBEB), I show you how to make this happen in just 8 weeks!
Many of our students have seen a DRASTIC difference in as little as a few days!
It’s our signature program, and up until recently, it was $3000 or more to join.
For now, you can get it as a part of our Food Freedom Collection for practically free by clicking the image below!
There is no catch…every resource I’ve created for food freedom and body confidence will land straight in your if you just click that image below and let me know where to send it!
Health & Love,
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