Things are so nuts right now. I hope that wherever you’re reading this from, it at least there very least provides a bit of peace, hope, and clarity.
About a month ago, I filmed a video that shares 3 super effective ways to take your power back if you’re experiencing a negative emotion, feeling down about what you ate or how you’re doing with food, having a bad body image day, or things just aren’t going as planned.
I had no idea what was coming when I filmed it, but I KNOW that the tools I share to shift those negative emotions will be really supportive through a time like this.
If you’re here now, I’m guessing that one of your toughest triggers is FOOD. I hear you on that one!
Food was once my hot-button issue, and it instilled a fear in me that ruled my life for over a decade. And when a bad day hit, the cravings and compulsions went to a whole new place. Sometimes it happened even when I thought I’d gotten over all those old triggers.
Tell me if this rings a bell…
You’re feeling energized and positive. Those cravings have tamed down, you haven’t binged in a while, and for the first time in forever, you feel good about yourself. Then BOOM, an off day hits, and out of the blue, you find yourself ravenously scouring your cabinets.
Or to put it this way, one minute you’re the picture of empowerment. The next minute, you’re elbow-deep in a bag of chips.
So what happened? How did you go from the top of the world to the bottom of the barrel?
Trust me, we ALL have our moments…The bad days that feel like monster setbacks happen to everyone.
But remember just because you fell doesn’t mean you’ve failed! You’re only human. (Really!)
Here’s the thing. It’s not so much what happens, but how you handle it. The good news is that you do have a say in that part! I’m going to show you 3 Steps to move through those blindsiding bad days with grace, ease, and empowerment.
Do not let a momentary setback turn into a permanent defeat. Read on and you’ll learn how to slay those bad food moments and get back on the path to food freedom forever–and FAST!
When you’re on the journey to freedom, sometimes a bad day can trigger #allthethings you thought you’d put away for good. Even things like compulsions and cravings.
The path is not linear like what you think it is.
I’ve come so far, why is this happening? Do these cravings mean I’m not free after all? Am I going to go back to binging again? What’s wrong with me?
You get the idea, right? Your mind starts ruminating, spinning, and creating stories. None of which are real.
So what do you do when those triggers that you thought were gone come roaring back with a vengeance?
Keep reading to learn the 3-step process to help you take your power back from bad moods and old food triggers–and in less time than you might think.
Ready to bounce back fast from unwelcome moods and emotional jolts? Let’s dive right in!
Step 1: Acceptance. Sometimes when you’re having a rough day, the fundamental issue isn’t the mood itself. It’s the resistance you feel about how you’re feeling.
In other words, you don’t want to feel the way you’re feeling. So you attempt to fight your way out of it and get back to your “high vibes only” mode.
I get it. But the Universal truth is that whatever you resist, persists. That means that to get past the pain, you need to acknowledge that it’s happening instead of pretending that it isn’t.
You see, if you’re in an emotional spiral, any action you take from this patterned and neurotic place will backfire. So before you do anything else, stop. Accept where you are. Then take a deep breath, and find your center.
So the first step is acceptance. Believe me, I mean it 100% when I say this: It’s OK to be not OK.
Now, I don’t mean “accept” as in raise the white flag, give up and stay stuck in the downward spiral. I’m saying drop the belief that it’s wrong to feel the way you feel. And accept that there are ebbs and flows to everything, including the food freedom journey.
You see… Life is cyclical. Some days are warm and sunny like spring, others bring wild and crazy storms. There is darkness and light, mountains and valleys, ups and downs.
The Universe and nature works in cycles as well. Since you’re a part of this world, accept that your body and brain work in the same way!
That doesn’t mean you have to fall victim to lousy moods, but you do need to accept them when they show up. Be real, be honest, and tell yourself that yes, you’re having a bad day. And that’s OK.
Then, once you feel more grounded and present, focus on stopping the rumination and the storytelling in your mind. This will set you up for Step 2.
Step 2: Do the smallest doable thing. Once you feel more OK with not being OK, take the next step. Stay centered and grounded, then ask yourself this question.
What can I do to feel as good as I possibly can right now?
In other words, what is the smallest doable thing you can do right now to take care of yourself?
The answer could be as simple as a glass of water. It might be some nourishing food. Or getting up and moving your body with intention. Maybe it’s listening to a soothing song or having a dance break. Do what you need to do to take care of your needs, and do it with love and kindness.
You don’t have to solve everything that’s going on. Your first simple step is to feel as good as you can be given your current circumstances and show yourself a little love and support. (No pressure here)
Then and ONLY then is it time to consider shifting back into that high-vibe state.
Step 3: Shift your state. So, how do you shift the rest of the way out of the funk and back to your happy place you ask? Start with baby steps that help you realign in all the ways: mind, body and spirit.
Here are some of the things I like to do…
My mental realignment go-tos are inspiring audiobooks and podcasts. I also use affirmations, meditations, and hypnotherapy. For the physical side of things, I love to get outside.
I make it a point to get outside every morning no matter what kind of a day it feels like. Connecting to nature is both grounding and energizing. It truly works wonders to shift your state, no matter how awful you feel! That’s why I include this step as part of my morning routine, rain or shine.
So pick your favorite pick-me-up, and use it to shift back to the way that you want to feel. This will absolutely turn things around for you if backed by your emotions
Now, here’s a bonus step for you! When you’re feeling more like you again, consider topping things off with a dash of gratitude.
I love to give thanks for simple things, like having a beautiful backyard. Or the clear blue sky above. I even express gratitude for the body I own that lets me experience this world.
Now, remember–gratitude is the icing on the cake. Don’t force yourself to feel it if you’re not in the headspace yet! But if you’ve gone through the first two steps and you’re ready to bring the extra appreciation, go for it. It’s a beautiful addition to this practice!
One more thing. When you’re going through this, it’s important to give yourself a break. Don’t criticize yourself too harshly for having a hiccup in the first place. Don’t worry if you can’t do the steps perfectly on your first (or 21st) try.
Be kind to yourself, and accept that everyone has their ups and downs on this food freedom journey.
For that matter, remember that you’re on the road to change, and change is challenging. Give yourself credit for taking it on! After all, you’re attempting to make empowering choices. You’re changing your actions and breaking old patterns. That’s a beautiful thing!
The best part is that the more you practice these steps, the easier they will become. Stay on the path, and remember that it won’t be this challenging forever!
So when the funky moods hit and the food triggers attack, accept where you are first. Then stabilize yourself to where you feel centered again. Then decide on the smallest doable thing that will elevate your state. And if you’re ready, add a bit of gratitude on top.
I’m sending you big love for your journey, and I know these steps will break you out of the food funk and get you back on your path. Use them well, and watch what happens!
Now, if you’re looking for support and guidance on this journey to food freedom, we’ve got you!
Click the image below where I’ve got a special gift for you! We call them, “Craving Cards”, and they’re one of our most popular tools!
If you ever feel night time cravings, sugar cravings, the urge to just say “screw it I’m going to start my diet over tomorrow”, or like you need a little body confidence pick me up…
Just grab a card, go through the prompts, and shift it instantly!
Click the image above and let me know where to send them!
You’ll also get mini demo video training sessions for each card where I share how to use the cards and some of my best tips for food freedom forever!
With our Craving Cards and Demo Series…
You’ll learn how to stop cravings in their tracks, feel confident, and get back your power, fast!
PS: Want the exact freedom and ease with our foods that myself and thousands of our clients get to experience?
In our Beating Binge Eating Blueprint (BBEB), I show you how to make this happen in just 8 weeks!
Many of our students have seen a DRASTIC difference in as little as a few days!
It’s our signature program, and up until recently, it was $3000 or more to join.
For now, you can get it as a part of our Food Freedom Collection for practically free by clicking the image below!
There is no catch…every resource I’ve created for food freedom and body confidence will land straight in your if you just click that image below and let me know where to send it!
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