Join in on the fun every Tuesday where I release a new episode of BrittanyB TV accompanied by blog post that will support you on your journey to Food Freedom Forever!
These posts are packed with actionable steps and inspiration that will support you to have it easy with food and live a life you love in a body you absolutely adore!
(Get the EXACT system myself and thousands of my client have used to successfully live a life fueled by freedom instead of living as a slave to diets, weight, and food obsession.)
Print and use the cards any time you have a craving! Craving body confidence? We got you! Craving sweets? You’ll have a step-by-step process to walk through that will stop your cravings in their tracks! And more (these are also vertical so you can screenshot them and have them for quick access on your phone!)
We are re-releasing our “Body Image Reboot” program soon!
Get on the waitlist below!
Please leave your information below and we’ll reach out to you with more information!
Doors are opening soon for our food Freedom Forever program!
Get on the waitlist below!
Ever feel like you’re on a “wild goose chase” looking for that ONE thing that’s going to finally make your struggle with food stop?
Well, good news for you…I want to hit you with a little dose of FREEDOM so you know what’s possible no matter how long you’ve been struggling with food, or how many methods you’ve used to try to break free…
Learn the ONE shift that Nancy implemented that stopped her binges COMPLETELY in just 1 week in this video interview (this will work for you too)!
Ever hear people tell you to listen to your body and have a reaction that’s something like…
Ummmmmm all my body wants is pizza (insert your food of choice here) – if I listened – I’d be eating anything and everything.
I get it. I remember when coaches used to tell me to stop dieting and listen to my body I thought they were completely crazy.
Well, Christine thought the same. In fact, when we told her that her body’s cues would come back on board and she’d only desire or think about food when she was hungry she thought we were nuts…
And then, it happened.
Watch Christine’s Interview where she shares how she was able to let go of food focus and control and focus on what matters, in turn making her relationship with food and her body a smooth and easy one.
I’m bringing you something really special today…
After hosting this interview with Caitlin, one of our graduates who also has a VERY unique perspective on what gave her freedom (different than any of our other interviews) I was feeling so lit up and inspired…
She says something incredible about the worth of what she went through, and I don’t want to spoil it…just watch it.
Watch Caitlin’s interview to learn how she went from struggling with control, restriction, binge, and overeating to living a life where she’s not only in her power with food but feeling confident in her life to pursue her dreams!
When one of your students puts an end to her 40+ year dysfunctional relationship with food in just 8 weeks, you write an email about it and scream THIS from the rooftops:
Ok, now that you got that message (and please know that was for you and ALL the women in the world who feel stuck) here’s a video that will give you the steps to find freedom…
Watch the interview and learn what Dottie did to break free from her 40+ year struggle with her body and food so fast, so you can too!
The other day I was speaking with an incredible woman where I shined some light on why she was binge eating and how to stop.
At the end of the convo she said, “You know what, I’m just going to try this alone.”
And I get why, I suffered on my own thinking I could figure it out by piecing together information from books, articles, and different experts online, but EVERY SINGLE TIME I’d always end up binging, overeating, or stuck in my struggle (for nearly 12+ years)…
Our graduate Lauren has an incredible message for you about that very thing…
Watch the Interview to learn how Lauren is living the life she’s meant to live WITHOUT her food and body struggle holding her back and in this interview she shares how she did it!
I’m sure you’ve heard myself and others talk about releasing restriction and control with your food choices as a foundational part of stopping binge eating…
But what if you want to lose weight too? How can it be possible to eat what you want and not completely lose control with food and your weight?
Well, it’s possible, and in this incredible interview, Sara shares how she partnered with her body, stopped binge eating, and released weight without force, restriction, dieting, or controlling her food!
Watch Sara’s inspirational interview where she shares how she partnered with her body, stopped binge eating, and lost weight without dieting so you can too!
Oftentimes we talk about releasing restriction – but what if you aren’t actually restricting your food?
What about those times where you just feeling like you can’t stop overeating?
Where you know you need to get on track, but can’t seem to find it in you to start and stick with anything. We see this with many of our clients, and taking them from a place of struggle to a place of normalcy and easy with their food is an amazing thing!
Haleigh breaks down how she did it so you can too! Watch Haleigh’s interview and learn how she was able to break free from overeating, get in her power with food, and feel confident in her body – fast!
Ever notice that the more you try NOT to have that “forbidden food” the more you want it?
Then you set out searching…for that next plan or trick that will stop the cravings or keep you on track long enough to get the weight off.
I get it, I was there for years, and so was Jennifer (in fact she was stuck on the diet-binge rollercoaster and binge eating 3-4 times a week for over 20 years)!
Watch the interview now to learn how you can have no more urges to binge, too!
Ever feel like no matter how hard you try the script in your head just keeps telling you negative things about yourself?
Well, it was that way for Arin! In this short but powerful interview Arin shares how she went from debilitating negative self talk and body shaming, to being in a place of power and confidence with her self, her body, and food!
Today is for showing you how to find FREEDOM and ease with your body and food and beyond.
You want to know what does NOT feel like freedom…starting over on a diet or nutrition plan, only to blow it with overeating or a binge.
If you ride the on track-off track roller coaster with your eating, then this week’s interview it for you!
Watch The Interview to Learn How Stefani Broke Free From the Diet-Overeating Cycle (in just 12 weeks) After Struggling for 20+ Year So You Can Too!
If you have ever had that little inkling inside that you want to give up controlling your eating but are scared you’ll completely lose control with food…then this interview is for you!
Melissa came to us tracking her calories, “starting over tomorrow” nearly every tomorrow with high hopes of “staying on track” only to fall totally off track by the end of the day!
Her behavior with food left her ashamed, hiding things from her family, disconnected from what she loved…
And now: she’s experiencing freedom with food she never thought possible, able to manage her emotions without turning to food, feeling more connected to her family and in her power…
I know you’ll leave this interview feeling inspired with action steps to implement that will shift your relationship with food and your body for the better!
Ever feel like no matter what you try you just can’t seem to get it right with your food?
You wake up, start the day “on track”, and then by the end of the day you’re in the cabinets searching for who knows what to fill you…
I get it, and so does Kalin. She rode the binge restrict cycle for YEARS and now has total freedom and ease with her body and food! So much so she spent a year supporting us here with our mission, and is now off inspiring others with her incredible yoga skills and completing school to be a physical therapist! Talk about coming full circle!
Kalin used to wake up nearly every day in a fight with her body trying her best to control what she was eating or make up from her out of control eating spells from the night before.
After she started working with us, she began to honor and take care of her body’s needs, and before you know it her urges to binge became nonexistent!
I know you’ll leave this interview feeling inspired and hopeful, and also have tangible steps to implement to break free from your struggle with your body and food and find freedom!
Can’t get food off your mind? Craving peace and ease with yourself and your plate but don’t know how to get there? Then you’ll LOVE what I have to share with you today!
I had the privilege of interviewing Megan and I know you will find what she has to say SO INSPIRATIONAL (and also learn actionable tools and perspective shifts to break free from your struggle with your body and food by listening).
If Megan wasn’t binge eating she was trying to control her food, and she rode that roller coaster trying all kinds of diets, therapy, and support to break free with a lot of growth but little actual success in finding freedom.
With the perspective shifts she shares in this interview she was able finally find a level of peace and freedom with her food that she never thought possible and GET COMPLETELY RID OF FOOD FOCUSSED THOUGHTS…yesssss!!!!
AND Megan shares a really inspirational story that I know will light you up, restore your faith in yourself, and reassure you that freedom is possible!
Ever feel like your struggle with your body and food holds you back from living your life? Or that you’re just SO hard on yourself and your body mentally that it’s hard to feel at peace as you go about your day?
Then this case study interview is for you! I had the privilege of interviewing Kendyl, one of our graduates from our Beating Binge Eating Blueprint.
Kendyl had been struggling with binge and emotional eating and a negative body image since 12 years old. She had tried therapy, diets, and so many other tricks and tools to shift her perspective and feel at peace with her body and food but nothing seemed to last.
After just a few short months with us she now feels at peace in her skin, is easier on herself, feels more in her power with her food, and is free to live her life fully.
Watch the Video to Learn How Kendyl Went From Being Stuck in the Diet-Binge Cycle for 10+ Years to Loving Her Body and Living Her Life So You Can Too!
From tracking everything to stepping on a stage for a fitness competition without any tracking.
From scrutinizing her body and having a hard time making friends to developing incredible relationships.
From not honoring her needs and boundaries to standing for herself and asking for what she desires.
From being CONSUMED by working out and her struggle with her body and food to living in flow and having it totally easy in this department so she can focus on other things in life.
And ALL of this in her early 20’s, while going to school, and all kinds of life changes and pressure.
Olivia’s journey is so near and dear to my heart because I know that what she did with us will dramatically shape how she lives the rest of her life!
Ever feel like you’ve been struggling so long that it may just always be this way for you?
Natalie did too. She came to us after a fitness show and wanted a normal relationship with food that still honored her health (she had a TON of food intolerances) while still being fit.
Before she came to us she heard that all plans to stop binge eating wouldn’t let her have that…you know the food freedom AND the fit and healthy bod.
She thought she was going to have to eat anything and everything and would make her gain weight, well after one call and 8 weeks with us she was able to find freedom AND have all that she wanted in the world of health and fitness and she dishes how she did it in this interview.
SO I was watching some interviews with a few of our graduates and I felt like you really needed to hear the message in this one…
Originally the interview was just meant to encourage and inspire those in our program, but after a few minutes with Julie I knew this is something you could learn from!
Julie is an absolute powerhouse. The interview will leave you feeling inspired and ready to step into your power.
This interview will leave you with hope and also some clear cut action steps and perspective shifts to implement that will allow you to break free from your struggle with your body and food, for good.
Watch Julie’s Case Study to Learn Exactly How She Stopped Her 20+ Year Struggle with Binge Eating In Less Than 8 Weeks So You Can Too!
Mary stayed stuck in the diet-overeat-repeat cycle for over 30+ years, struggling with gaining and losing weight, and food and how she felt about her body getting in the way of her being fully present in life!
After our program, Mary has lost the weight and kept it off, stopped her food struggle, and made peace with her body! She’s able to enjoy time with loved ones, eat with her family, and live her life!
Nancy is a light. A powerhouse. A woman who struggled for YEARS on the diet-binge cycle and within 8 weeks of working with us is FREE!
Nancy has so much wisdom to share and after talking with her in this interview I knew that I had to share it with you!
Watch the video to learn how Nancy broke free from the diet-binge cycle in less than 8 weeks so you can too!
Ever have those times in your life where you can stick to a way of eating and get results and then all of a sudden it just stops working?
Or you’re able to do it for a few days, but only if there’s a big “cheat” promised at some point during the week…and sometimes that cheat goes WAY beyond a meal?
Ugh, and how gross does it feel after waking up the day after that big cheat? I don’t miss those days!
I want to introduce you to April Dineen! April struggled with disordered eating most of her late adolescent and adult life, then competed in fitness competitions, and afterwards tried to normalize her relationship with food only to end up binge eating, daily.
When April came to us feeling defeated, like she tried EVERYTHING, and after one Breakthrough Call with us she never binged again! And you’ll learn so much from what she shares in this incredible interview!
Ever feel like your food and body struggle completely steals your happiness? Diets, bingeing, attempts at controlling yourself, overeating…
The shame, the guilt the confusion, the trying it all with nothing seeming to last.
I’ve been there so many times, and Alex was too (before she reached out to us).
Alex has always had such a bright light inside, but years of the food and body struggle left her feeling like she had no way out.
Watch Alex’s Interview Where She Shares How She Went From Rock Bottom To Food Freedom – So You Can Too!
Join me for this interactive webinar where I reveal my 3 phase system to eliminate food anxiety, control cravings, and break free from binge and emotional eating! Use these tools for Food Freedom Forever!
Get my top 7 principles (and action steps) that allowed me to beat binge eating for good and make peace with my body and food so you can too!
Get my 5 step training series to beat binge and emotional eating, feel good in your skin, lose weight without dieting, and be back in your power with your body and food – fast!