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Join in on the fun every Tuesday where I release a new episode of BrittanyB TV accompanied by blog post that will support you on your journey to Food Freedom Forever!

These posts are packed with actionable steps and inspiration that will support you to have it easy with food and live a life you love in a body you absolutely adore!

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Self-Expression and Finding the Perfect Diet

Have you ever stressed and worried about your body and how you’re going to look for an upcoming event? What about if you’re about to see people that you haven’t in a while? If your weight yo-yo’s up and down like mine did, or you suffer from any type of private unwanted eating habits, it’s very common to […]
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Adopt this Principle to Beat Binge Eating

(See video below) Have you ever wondered why diets and mainstream efforts give you nothing but frustrating and fattening results? I always get asked: How do I beat binge eating? There are many different things to incorporate to win your battle with food and your body but for true long-term healing to take place this framework must […]
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The Number One Way to Boost Your Metabolism

So, back in the beginning of time, we were equipped with this fabulous little mechanism that saved us when a big saber tooth tiger jumped out of the woods and started chasing us: it’s called our fight-or-flight response. It protects and serves us in many dangerous situations, but due to the accelerated pace at which […]
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Starting Before You Feel Ready

Today, as I hit publish on this post, I will be applying this principle, and I encourage you to do the same. For those of you that have followed my coaching and posts online, you know that we just went through a huge overhaul of re-branding. Even though there is room for improvement on the […]
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Welcome! What to Expect…

Welcome to the Beating Binge Eating Blog! I am SO excited to have you here on my journey with me! Here’s what you will get each week… One blog or video post every week to help you: Make peace with your body Make peace with your plate Overcome binge and/or emotional eating Release the excess weight for […]
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