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Join in on the fun every Tuesday where I release a new episode of BrittanyB TV accompanied by blog post that will support you on your journey to Food Freedom Forever!

These posts are packed with actionable steps and inspiration that will support you to have it easy with food and live a life you love in a body you absolutely adore!

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You Deserve to Know This…

I’m writing this to you today to tell you that you deserve it all… You deserve to wake up with freedom to do and create as you please, to pour your heart into a project or cause that you love, to live in such pure joy that your soul wakes up smiling, and to be […]
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The Truth About Intuitive Eating

I’m going to cut straight to the point here…intuitive eating is a wonderful TOOL but not the answer for healing from binge eating. By definition intuitive eating is the practice of eating through listening to your body, eating when you’re hungry, and stopping when you’re full. All great things, but it can leave you frustrated and feeling like a failure if you don’t use it at the right time with some other support systems in place. If you’ve ever tried “listening to your body” and felt confused, craving filled, or frustrated then this blog post is for you so you can use this TOOL to...
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How to Stop Binge Eating (Phase 1)

In last weeks blog post I shared all about Sarah's story. In this week's video
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She Stopped Dieting, You Won’t Believe What Happened Next

Part 1: Sarah’s Story Sarah (name changed for privacy) came to me when she felt defeated, after she had tried it all, and was out of options. I was her “last resort” and after one conversation, there was no doubt in my mind that she was exactly where she needed to be. Now it was just […]
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How To Not Eat Everything On The Thanksgiving Table (in 11 Steps)

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, but when I was struggling with my body and food it was by far my least favorite. I remember being stressed about all the food, stressed about gaining weight, and stressed about seeing people I hadn’t in a while. I’m sure you can relate! For most, Thanksgiving means […]
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Eating With Ease (and without weight gain) on Vacation

Ahhh take me back to that pool! I’m just returning from Greece and I have to say, it is quite possibly the most remarkable place on earth! I’m sure there will be more dedicated to that in a later post, but for now I have to share my findings from this incredible trip with you. I know if you stumbled on this page, you’ve probably struggled with your weight at one point, or continue to struggle, and are looking for the best way to lose it. So, here we go! You won’t find a best diet for weight loss here or anywhere actually, because there...
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